Zach (Requested Imagine)

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        Requested by: Writer_Reader05

"Alright bye, Jess!" I gave my best friend a hug before opening her front door. "I'll see you Monday. Tell your parents I said thanks for having me over!"

"I will. Oh and I'll text you about the party on Friday later too!" She told me.

I left Jessica's house and began walking down the street. My house isn't too far from Jess's, I'd say probably a fifteen minute walk.

It was a little cold out though considering it was the middle of October and I was only where a short sleeve top.

I stopped on the sidewalk for a moment and took my backpack off of my back and placed it on the ground in front of me. I unzipped it and grabbed my blue hoodie from inside, quickly putting on to warm me up.

I noticed that while I was putting the sweater on, a black car pulled up beside me slowly. I got nervous, grabbing my bag and getting ready to run any second.

The car rolled down the window and there was a teenage boy inside. I felt a little less scared knowing it wasn't some old creep.

The boy smiled at me, "hey sorry if I scared you," he chuckled. "My names Zach, I just moved in a couple streets over and I've been trying to find a cafe called 'Monet's' for the past ten minutes but I have no clue where it is."

I sighed with relief knowing I wasn't going be kidnapped today.

"If you just keep driving down this road, take a left at the second intersection, then a right at Greene Street and then keep going straight and it'll be on your left," I smiled at him.

"Thanks," he paused as if he was waiting for me to say my name.

"Y/N," I told him kindly.

"Thank, Y/N," he smiled again. Man, this kid has the whitest and straightest teeth I've ever seen. "Would you maybe want to come with me?" He asked suddenly. "I literally know no one in this town and it would be nice to have someone to show me around."

I thought about it for a moment. He seems sincere about it, and he doesn't seem like a sketchy guy.

"Sure, if you don't mind that I look like a mess right now," I chuckled and then looked down at the ground slightly embarrassed.

"If this is what you look like when you're a mess I'd like to see what you look like when you're put together."

I blushed at his comment.

I grabbed my backpack and then walked over to Zach's car, getting into the passenger seat. You could definitely tell his parents have money because his car is really fancy and expensive looking.

Zach began driving, taking a left and then a right like I had told him earlier.

"And it's right there." I pointed to the left so he could see where I was talking about.

   Zach parked his car across the street and we walked together into Monet's.

   We walked up to the counter and he looked at the menu. I already knew what I wanted but I waited for him to decide too.

   "What's your favourite drink to get here?" Zach asked me.

   "I love everything here but if I had to choose one thing it would probably be...raspberry white hot chocolate," I chirped. "It's the best hot chocolate I've ever had, you won't go back to regular after you try it."

   "Okay," he said. "I'll get that."

   He walked up to the counter and told the lady that he wanted a raspberry white hot chocolate and then he looked at me, "what are you getting?"

   I shook my head, "it's okay I can pay for mine."

   "It's okay, Y/N, I got it. I'm the one who offered for you to come so let me pay," he insisted. "So what do you want?"

   I looked at the lady behind the counter and said, "I'll have the same, a raspberry white hot chocolate."

   Zach payed for our drinks, which I did thank him for, and then we got our hot chocolates and sat at a seat beside the window.

   I watched as he took the first sip of his drink and his eyes widened, "this is fucking amazing," he gasped, taking another sip.

   "Told ya," I laughed. "No other hot chocolate will ever beat this one."

   Zach and I chatted for probably almost an hour about random stuff just to help us get to know one another.

   We found out that he's gonna be attending the same high school as me so he's excited cause I said I'd show him around there too.

   We both like baseball, comedy and romance movies, going camping, and I found out that he used to be homeschooled.

   We learned a lot about each other in the past hour surprisingly but I had to get home before my parents started texting me asking why I wasn't home yet.

   Zach and I got back into his car and I gave him the directions to my house.

   He pulled into my driveway and I grabbed my backpack out of his backseat.

   "Thanks, Zach. I had a lot of fun," I told him honestly.

   "Me too, thanks for coming with me," he said. "I think this should be a regular occasion for us, that is if you want to be friends with me?" He said the last part quietly.

   "I definitely want to be friends with you and I definitely want this to be a regular occasion," I grinned at him, happy that he felt the same way I did.

   We exchanged numbers and then I got out of his car.

    "Okay, well I'll see you at school on Monday. Thanks again!" I waved and then walked to my front door and into my house.

   I quickly opened my phone and texted Jessica.

Me: you will not believe what happened to me on the way home!!!

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