Monty Pt.3 (Requested Imagine)

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Jeff- Y/N!
Jeff- Y/N answer me please!!

Missed call from Jeff
Missed call from Jeff

Y/N- Jeff it's two in the morning what's so important??

Jeff- It's Monty

Requested by: WtfItsKaren

I jolted up from my bed, switching on the lamp on my nightstand.

   I quickly called Jeff and when he answered, in a panic I said, "Jeff! What happened to Monty!?"

   I heard the panic in his voice too, "I don't know, once you left he got super wasted and disappeared, no ones seen him. I've asked basically everyone at the party and no one knows where he went," he told me. "Zach said that he saw him go outside but he didn't see him come back in."

   My heart dropped. Monty was out on the street someone at two in the morning, drunk and alone. I jumped out of my bed throwing on a sweatshirt and some pants before sprinting down the stairs. "I'm going to look for him."

"Y/N, it's not safe for you to go alone," Jeff warned as I stepped foot out my front door.

"I'm taking my car and I'll have my phone on me, I think I know where he might be but stay by the phone in case something happens okay?"

I heard Jeff sigh, "please be careful, Y/N."

"I will be, I'll talk to you soon." I hung up the phone and got into my car, starting it up and driving down the street.

"God damnit Montgomery where are you?" I mumbled worrisome to myself. I thought for a moment then remembered. Monty and I met at the park across from Monet's.

I made a quick turn to the left and sped down the street.

I finally reached the park, taking a quick look before getting out of my car in case there were some sketchy people there.

I didn't see anyone so I got out of my car and walked over to the playground.

"Monty!?" I whispered. "Montgomery?!"

I heard something make a rustling sound from behind me, making me jump. I turned around, seeing Monty stumbling over to me, illuminated by the street lights from above.

"Y/N?" He mumbled drunkenly.

"Yes it's me, now come on I'm taking you home," I muttered, not impressed that I had to come find my drunken ex boyfriend at almost three in the morning.

I grabbed Monty's arm, dragging him to my car and shoving him in the back seat, "put your seatbelt on," I told him strictly. He stayed still just staring at me, "for fucks sake Montgomery! Put your god damn seatbelt on!" I demanded practically yelling, making him quickly do as I said.

I huffed, closing the back seat door harshly and making my way to the drivers seat.

I started my car and began driving to Monty's house.

   "I didn't like her ya know," Monty slurred. "The girl I was kissing," he clarified. I mumbled under my breath not really caring to answer. "Y/NNNNNNN," he groaned.

   "Shut up, Monty. I'm really not in the mood to talk to you at the moment."

I heard him scoff childishly to himself then proceeded to stay quiet until we reached his house.

   Grabbing ahold on his waist, I helped him into his house, not worrying about making noise cause no one was home at the moment.

   I helped him up the stairs, setting him down on his bed once we reached his bedroom. I texted my mom and Jeff to let them both know where I was and that everything was fine.

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