Monty Pt.1 (Imagine)

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Based off of the song Act Like You Love Me by Shawn Mendes
   So you leave tomorrow, just sleep the night. I promise I will make things right.

    So this is it. This is my last day here before I move all the way across the country.

   This is technically my last day at Liberty High but I'm not going today. This is the last time I'll ever be in my childhood house.

This is the last time I'll see my boyfriend Monty.

"Y/N we'll make this work. I swear we can make it right," Monty pleaded sadly.

I lay beside him on his bed, the only thing lighting up the dark room was a small night light at the corner of the room.

"Monty we can't. We'll never see each other. You even said it yourself, long distance relationships don't work out," I sighed.

"That was before I found out you were moving across the country, Y/N."

Before you leave tomorrow, just let me try. Before you leave tomorrow, before you say goodbye, before you leave tomorrow, before you leave.

"Please lets just try. Let me try! For us!" Monty argued. I snuggled up closer to him, "please," he whispered.

Stay here and lay here right in my arms
It's only a moment, before you're gone
And I, am keeping you warm
Just act like you love me, so I can go on.

We stayed silent for a little while, tears were softly pouring down my face and I knew Monty was crying too.

I tried to get up to get a glass of water but Monty pulled me back down in his warm embrace again, "don't leave. You leave soon and- and I can't lose anymore time with you."

I nodded quietly and stayed quiet, listening to his soft breathing as my head rested against his chest.

"I love you," he mumbled softly.

I took a deep breath, if I say it he can move on.

"I-I love you too Monty."

Just one more night
Lying in bed
Whether it's wrong or right
Just gotta make sense of it
And you'll be gone in the morning
And you'll be over this
Just one more night, so I can forget

I took a deep breath and tried to take everything in one last time. The walls are dark blue with baseball pictures plastered on every corner. There's small pictures of Monty and I on his walls and on his desk that was in the corner of the room.

The signed baseball that I got for Monty that took me four months to save up for was still placed on the top of Monty's shelf.

"What are you thinking about?" Monty asked.

"I'm just trying to get a good look at your room so I never forget," I chuckled sadly.

"I wish I could forget it," he replied.

I look up at him confused, "why?"

"Cause this entire room reminds me of you. A lot of our memories are in here. I don't want to remember them when you're gone."

I nodded sadly and looked away. I am hurting him so bad.

Stay here and lay here
Right in my arms
It's only a moment, before you're gone
And I, am keeping you warm
Just act like you love me, so I can go on

Monty pulled me even closer to him and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "I love you so fucking much, Y/N."

A tear fell down my cheek, "I love you too."

When you go, I can't watch you leave
Just promise me you'll sneak out when I'm asleep
And when you go, and you're miles down the road
I wake up wishing everything was just a dream.

I could hear Monty snoring softly beside me. A couple hours had passed and it was now four in the morning and I knew it would be best to leave now. It would kill Monty even more to have to watch me leave.

I carefully pulled myself away from him and stood up off of the bed. I leaned over the bed and kissed Monty on the forehead, "goodbye Monty."

I grabbed my things and left his house. My parents had flown out to the new house yesterday with all of the boxes from the old house so all I had to do now was drive to the airport.

I got in my car and drove off.

Third Person POV

Y/N had been driving for two hours now and it was now six in the morning.

Monty was an early riser so Y/N figured he would be waking up any minute now to an empty bed. And she was correct.

Monty woke up just as Y/N was boarding the plane. He hoped that it was all just a dream and that Y/N was still laying beside him but when he looked to his left she was gone.

In the corner of his eye he saw a small note left on the chair in his room. He stood up and walked over to it. He picked up the note and read it:

"Trade ya :)"

He looked at the item of clothing hung on the chair. He realized that Y/N had replaced one of her favourite sweaters of his with one of his favourite sweaters of hers. Of course he would never wear it but it was covered in her scent and he loved it.

Just stay here and lay here right in my arms
It's only a moment before you're gone
And I, am keeping you warm
Just act like you love me, so I can go on

Monty picked up the light blue sweater and got back in bed. He held the sweater tightly to his chest and closed his eyes.

Although the love of his life just left, he would now have a piece of her close by even if she was all the way across the country.

"I love you," he whispered into the sweater.

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