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Heyyy so first week of school wasn't bad. I have 2 more requests to make and then I might be closing requests for a little while until I'm fully settled into my classes and whatnot.

But, I found this cute post on Instagram that I wanted to share with all of you since school has started back up and it may make you a lot more stressed and maybe get you a little down sometimes.

I cannot express how much I love this post

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I cannot express how much I love this post.

As someone in high school, I think it's incredibly stressfull for me or anyone else in high school to have all of this pressure on us to chose a career at the ages of 15-18, that we will have to do for basically the rest of our lives after university or college.

We shouldn't have to feel like we are falling behind just because we don't know what we want to do after post secondary.

For me, I'm still not entirely sure what I want to take in university or what career I want afterwards. I have an idea but I'm not fully set on anything and I'm tired of people making me feel like I should know when I'm 15-18. Hell even 14 year olds who are in grade 9 are being told to start deciding and it's bizarre to me that people think that that is fine.

I'm honestly debating on taking a break year after grade 12 to figure things out without the added stress of school. I don't think my parents are really into that idea of not going to school for a year but I'm not going to be stepping into a university and giving them like 20 grand for a year just to realize afterwards that whatever career plan I had I don't want to pursue anymore or am not fully certain about it.

But yeah anyway that's my rant. Enjoy and comment your thoughts or your future or current university/career plans.

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