Monty Pt.2 (Requested Imagine)

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Recap: "And Monty?" I called, making him turn around to look at me hopefully. "To be jealous is one thing, but to accuse me of cheating on you with Jeff without any proof other than the fact that someone said they saw me with him, is just low. Maybe think next time you accuse someone of something that you have no proof to back it up with."

               Requested by: WtfItsKaren

"So," my dad started a conversation during our family dinner with my mom and two brothers. "How's planning for Monty's birthday going? You and Jeff almost done?" He asked taking a bite of the chicken from his plate.

I choked my on food for a second before answering, "we umm—broke up, so it's just Jeff planning now," I spoke quietly.

Everyone's eyes widened, "oh honey I'm sorry to hear that," my mom said softly.

"Can I be excused?" I asked. My mom nodded before I ran upstairs to my room.

I sat against the wall behind my bed, letting the tears fall from my face as I sobbed quietly.

I heard my family clearing the dishes from the table and then I heard someone's footsteps coming up the stairs.

I quickly wiped my tears with the sleeve of my blue shirt just as my mom appeared at my doorway.

"Are you okay, hun?" She asked softly.

I shook my head 'no' choking out another sob.

My mom walked over to me, sitting at the edge of my bed and grabbing my hand, "what happened?" I explained the story to her about how Monty had thought I was cheating on him with Jeff. She sighed and squeezed my hand comfortingly, "you wanna know something?"


She smiled lightly at me, "when I was in my last year of university, I was dating this guy. Everything was going so smoothly and I was so happy because my past relationships had never worked out so well for me," she started. "But something in me told me that it wasn't right, that somehow he was going to leave me. So you know what I did?"

"You left him?" I questioned.

My mom nodded, "I told him that I couldn't be in a relationship anymore so I left him. But two weeks later he came to my friends apartment that I was staying at and ended up winning me back. He sat me down and we had a long conversation about how I was feeling and how he was feeling and then just like that!" She snapped her fingers. "We we're back together. And only a year later we got married and soon after I had three beautiful kids with him." She grinned widely at me.

I sniffled and wiped my tears, "that's great for you mom."

"And it can be great for you too," she confessed. "Go to Monty's surprise party and do what your father did with me, talk to him. The worst that can happen is that you don't get back together, and maybe that's for the best. But maybe you do get back together. You'll only know if you talk to him," she egged me on encouragingly.

   "But what if he doesn't want to see me?" I asked sadly.

   "Trust me," she said. "He'll want to see you."

   "Thanks mom." I had her a hug before she got up off my bed and left my room.


    It was finally the day of Monty's birthday/birthday party. I had texted Jeff an hour after the party started and told him that I was about to go over to his house.

I got changed into some ripped skinny jeans and a flowly blue shirt.

"Bye mom! Bye dad! I'll be back at eleven!" I called from the front door before getting into my car and driving to Jeff's house.

I got to Jeff's house and walked in seeing the party set up just the way Jeff and I had planned. A smile crept onto my face seeing how amazing it turned out.

Jeff spotted me at in the main hallway of his house and came to greet me, "like it?" He asked referring to the party.

"It's perfect, Jeff," I told him.

"I'm glad."

I looked around, "where's Monty?"

Jeff shrugged, "last time I saw him he was over by my basement staircase."

"Okay thanks, I'll see you in a bit," I tell him and then begin making my way over to Jeff's basement.

Although the lights we dimmed, it wasn't hard to see Monty and some random girl making out against the wall.

I stood there for a minute in shock, not believing how fast Monty got over our breakup considering it was only six days ago. When he felt someone starring at him, he broke the kiss between him and the girl and turned his gaze directly over to me.

Monty's eyes widened and he stepped away from the girl and walked over to me, "Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked quietly.

I quickly wiped the tear that fell from my eye, "just—uh came to see how your party turned out," I lied. "I—umm should be going. Have fun."

I turned to walk away but turned back around when Monty called my name, "I'm sorry you had to see that, it—it was meaningless I swear," he stated frantically with guilt on his face.

I shook my head at him and shrugged, "it's fine Monty, it's not like we're together anyway. I'll see you around," I said. "Oh, and, happy birthday." With that I turned back around, leaving Jeff's house and driving back home.

   When I got home my mom was waiting up for me in the kitchen, "hey hun, how'd it go?" She asked hopeful.

   I shrugged sadly, "I think he's already moved on," I mumbled, standing across the counter from her.

   She gave me an encouraging smile, "remember what I said to you two nights ago?" She asked. "Maybe it's for the best. You're still so young, Y/N. You have this big future ahead of you who knows what could happen." She stated looking at me intently. "Give it time, and if he comes back to you, don't be afraid to try again. But if he doesn't, don't be afraid to find someone new when you feel like you're ready."

   "Thanks mom." I hugged her.

   "No need to thank me hun, I'm always going to be here for you. Now go get some rest," She insisted, shooing me to bed.

******** 2:14 am ************

Jeff- Y/N!
Jeff- Y/N answer me please!!

Missed call from Jeff
Missed call from Jeff

Y/N- Jeff it's two in the morning what's so important??

Jeff- It's Monty

Sorry I've been MIA for a hundred years schools been a bitch and a half :)

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