Justin Foley (Gif Imagine)

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Third Person
Justin sat peacefully on his couch watching some sports game that was on tv. He liked having the silence for once in his home since his mother and her ass of a boyfriend weren't home. Their endless bickering kept him up most nights or forced him out of the house during the day.

He took at sip of his beer and as he set the bottle down on the table beside him, the doorbell rang. He stood up and walked over to his front door and opened it, seeing his girlfriend Y/N's best friend Cheri standing there. She looked tired, her eyes were puffy like she had been crying non stop all night.

"Hey, what's up?" Justin asked, slightly surprised to see her.

"I came to see how you're holding up," Cheri said. Justin's face scrunched up in confusion, "wait, you don't know?"

"Know what?" He asked confused.

"Fuck." Cheri breathed out, she didn't want to have to be the one telling him the news, but she knew she had to now. She took a deep breath and then let the words spill out of her mouth. "Y/N was in a car accident with Jeff last night." She explained trying her hardest not to breakdown again.


  Justin's eyes became watery, "w-what? Is she okay?" He panicked, hoping that Cheri was going to tell him that his girlfriend was unharmed

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  Justin's eyes became watery, "w-what? Is she okay?" He panicked, hoping that Cheri was going to tell him that his girlfriend was unharmed. But with the look on her face he knew Y/N wasn't okay.

  Cheri shook her head sadly not daring to look Justin in the eye, "She went with Jeff to get some more alcohol for a party they were at. Jeff wasn't sober, he didn't see the stop sign and he went through it and another car hit them." She choked out, "they... they passed away, Justin. I'm sorry." A tear rolled down her cheek and fell onto the pavement.

  Justin couldn't believe what he was hearing. Cheri had given him a small but comforting hug and got into her car and drove off. Justin was left standing on his porch, unsure of what to do next.

  He walked back inside shutting the door behind him and going to his room. He closed his bedroom door and leaned against it. He knew Y/N was going to a party last night, she had invited him to come but he said no. He "wasn't in the party mood" he told her.

  But now he wishes he had went, he could've stopped her from getting into the car. He could've prevented it, but for some reason he told her he was going to stay home instead. He hated himself.

He let out a choking sob and squeezed his eyes shut tightly, hoping that when he opened them Y/N would be standing in front of him perfectly fine and alive, like what he just heard from Cheri was all just a dream.

  He let out a choking sob and squeezed his eyes shut tightly, hoping that when he opened them Y/N would be standing in front of him perfectly fine and alive, like what he just heard from Cheri was all just a dream

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  Suddenly he didn't feel anything anymore. All of the happiness and joy Y/N brought into his life vanished within a second. The part of himself that made him a better person was gone, and there was nothing he could do anymore.

  The girl he had been best friends with since grade three, and the girl who had been the love of his life for the last two years was gone. Forever.

  "I'm sorry Y/N! I'm sorry!" He cried. He had never cried so hard in his life. "I should've been there Y/N! I could've stopped you!"

  He slid down the door and sat shaking on the floor of his bedroom. From the corner of his eye he could see one of Y/N's hoodies hanging off the edge of his bed. He stood up and grabbed it, then sat himself back onto the floor against the wall.

  He held her sweater tightly to his chest and stuffed his face in it inhaling that familiar scent that he loved. He cried into the hoodie and repeatedly whispered countless apologies and I love you's.

  He was broken. His entire world shattered in front of him. He didn't know what he was going to do without her. Sure, he had many other friends, but no one like Y/N. She was easy to talk to, she never judged him and loved him for who he was no matter what.

Justin slowly got up off of the ground, still clutching onto Y/N's hoodie like a child holding onto a teddy bear as they slept. He lay down on his bed, it was cold making him shiver as he pulled the covers over himself.

As he lay there in silence for what seemed like hours to him but had only been a few minutes, the blankness in his mind started to fill with memories of Y/N.

Mostly happy ones that made him smile even though he felt like he was dying inside, but some sad ones too that somehow made him miss her even more.

Even though some of his memories of them together weren't always happy, they were still his and he would rather live through them all over again than have to live through the pain of not having Y/N around anymore.

He still had tears falling from his eyes even hours later, he never thought it would stop. Y/N had only ever seen him cry, he never showed his emotions around anyone, but he knew Y/N wouldn't judge him.

She had been there for him every time he needed a shoulder to cry on, and it was only now that he wished he had thanked her more for it because he realized he would never have that again.

And as his eyes grew heavy and he began to drift off to sleep, he could've swore he heard Y/N's voice whisper one last I love you.

That was a lot of sadness

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