Monty Pt.1(Requested Imagine)

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       Requested by: DanielleBasped

   I'm not the party type, let's just get some things straight.

But, lately I've been just not myself, so I thought, why not go to a party.

So here I am, at one of Bryce Walkers infamous parties, drunk off my ass.

I'm also not a big drinker, but like I said, I have not been myself lately.

Peoples eyes were definitely on me the first few minutes I was here because I have never once shown my face at a party. I've always been the shy type who tends to just keep to herself.

Midnight rolled around and I had definitely lost count of how many red solo cups I had been drinking out of.

I stumbled around the party, music blazing, people almost having sex on the counter, sweaty bodies dancing against each other, trying to find somewhere to just sit down.

I stumbled until I bumped into somebody, "shit fuck I'm—" I hiccuped. "Sorry," I finished my sentence.

"It's alri—shit, Y/N? Is that you? Why are you at a party?" The person asked, bombarding me with questions faster than I could possibly process. I looked up at the person and saw Montgomery de la Cruz staring back at me slightly concerned for my well being. "Jesus christ, your fucking wasted...this is something new I've never seen from you before," he said bewildered.

I let out a very drunk sounding giggle, "haha you're funny Montgomery. How come I've never talked to you before?" My words came out slurred, probably becoming hard to even hear from the music in the background. I started to feel my head spinning faster and my body sway back and forth.

I fell forward falling into the arms of Monty, who seemed to have already been prepared for me to fall into him at some point during our encounter. "Yeah, how about I take you home? Can you tell me where you live?" He asked softly, carrying me towards the front door.

I thought about it for a moment and then realized my drunk self couldn't really remember. I remembered the street name but not the number, "I don't know," I said quietly.

Monty let out a frustrated sigh and pulled me along to his truck that was parked on the side of the road. He helped me into the passenger seat and then got in on the other side, starting the car, "do you have your phone? I could call your parents."

I shook my head, "it's dead." I mumbled.

Monty sighed again and began driving down the street. After a few turns I asked him where we were going, "to my house. You're sleeping over," he told me sternly. I looked at him excitedly seeing as I was still drunk and didn't really understand what was going on. He looked at me as I smiled widely at him and he let out a light chuckle, "don't get too excited, you're going to get an earful from me in the morning."

I pouted at him, "you're not my dad!" I argued with him childishly. Monty just shook his head at me and took one last turn onto another street before pulling into his driveway.

He helped me out of the truck and into his house. He told me previously that his parents were out of town so no one was home but him. He carried me up the stairs until we got to his room. Monty sat me carefully on the bed and then stood back and just looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a fucking idiot."

I tilted my head in confusion not knowing why, but ya know, I'm drunk. He threw one of his shirts at me along with a part of his shorts for me to wear.

Monty pointed to his bathroom and I stumbled over to it closing the door behind me. After I changed I walked out and saw that Monty had laid a pillow and a couple blankets down on the floor. "You're sleeping on my bed," he said to me.


"Goodnight, Y/N." And with that, Monty turned off the lights and fell asleep on his bedroom floor.


The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache. I sat up in bed and immediately became frightened, not having any clue where on earth I was.

I looked on the floor and saw pillows and blankets thrown around, but no one was there. That's when everything came back. Monty found me at the party and brought me to his house.

Thinking about it more made me even more confused. I have never once talked to Monty during or after school. I mean, yeah we have classes together but we have never had any social interaction except maybe a "do you have a pencil?" Or "what did you get for this question?"

Suddenly, Montgomery walked into the room, breaking me out of my thoughts. He walked over to me, handing me a cup of water and an Advil.

I thanked him and took the Advil with a sip of water. Monty sat himself down on the end of his bed staring at me intently before speaking up, "what the hell were you doing at that party last night?"

"Having fun?" I said as more of a question.

"Ha, ok sure let's go with that." He rolled his eyes. "No one drinks that heavily unless they feel like absolute shit. Plus, you're definitely not the type of person who should be going to parties," he told me.

I rose an eyebrow at him, "what's that supposed to mean? You don't know me one bit Montgomery. Why did you even bring me to your house?" I retorted. "You're not the type of person to be doing that," I stated.

Monty sighed, "Y/N, everyone knows you. You're the girl who keeps to herself, secretly cares about literally everyone, and would rather be at home reading than at some party," he explained. "I brought you to my house for exactly that reason. Something has been up with you lately. I've noticed, Y/N. You're different at school now. So I guess when I saw how you were at Bryce's party I got worried."

I had never seen this side of Monty before. It was definitely weird and different, but I kinda liked it.

I looked down at my lap, fumbling with my fingers nervously, "thank you, Montgomery." I small tear dripped down my face, as I began to feel quite emotional because no one has ever shown this much care towards me before.

I looked up at him and smiled lightly. He smiled back in return, bringing one of his hands up to my face to wipe away my tears, "no problem. Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked seeing as something was obviously bothering me.

I shook my head, "not really, maybe later."

He nodded in understanding, "well I made—or tried to make breakfast, so let's go downstairs," he laughed pulling me along down to his kitchen.

I've been thinking about ending a friendship with someone I've been friends with for 10 years and I honestly don't know what to do right now. Like I want to but at the same time she means so much to me and I love her a lot but I don't know.

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