Birthday Gifts (Preference)

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Justin: (I'd love to get this tbh)

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Justin: (I'd love to get this tbh)

Justin: (I'd love to get this tbh)

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Alex: (Yass the Weeknd!!)

Alex: (Yass the Weeknd!!)

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Bryce: (These candles are the coolest thing ever, I've had a couple!)

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Bryce: (These candles are the coolest thing ever, I've had a couple!)

Bryce: (These candles are the coolest thing ever, I've had a couple!)

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Tyler: (A photo album of pictures of both of you)

Tyler: (A photo album of pictures of both of you)

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*****************I hoped this was alright as my first preference

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I hoped this was alright as my first preference. I was trying to do it quickly cause it's 11:30pmk and I have an exam tomorrow but I thought I'd do one now!

I'll update tomorrow!!

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