Justin (Requested Imagine)

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          Requested by: wdwfangirl8000

"Come on, Treasure!" My older sister Hannah begged. "You already said you'd go! You can't back out now," she huffed, practically throwing herself onto my bed.

   I chuckled, "actually I said I would go to a quote unquote 'small get together', which you just so happened to forget to mention is actually a party that is being held at Bryce's house," I sassed.

   Hannah sat up on my bed, pouting dramatically, "pleeeeaseeeee, Treasure! If you don't go I'll have no one."

   I sighed with defeat, "fine."

   Hannah jumped up excitedly and clapped her hand together, "be ready in twenty!" And with that she sprinted out of my bedroom.



Well here I was, standing in my lonesome in Bryce's kitchen, awkwardly sipping whatever was in this red solo cup that Hannah gave me.

I swayed lightly to the music that was blaring through the house, literally praying that Hannah would come over to me and tell me she wanted to go home. But unfortunately for me she didn't.

"Treasure?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

I turned around and there stood Justin Foley.

"I'm surprised you're here, parties don't seem like your thing," he said as he walked over to me.

"They're not," I told him honestly, taking another sip of my drink, squinting my eyes as it burned my throat. "Neither is alcohol."

Justin chuckled, "would you prefer juice?"

"I'd prefer literally anything but whatever this is," I laughed along, lightly setting the red cup on the counter.

Justin walked over to fridge and looked inside then asked, "you like apple juice?" I nodded. "Here," he said throwing me a bottle from across the kitchen.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. "So," I started. "Why aren't you with Jess?"

Justin's face fell, "we got into a fight, she decided not to come and told me she wants a break."

"I know this isn't any of my business but you guys seem to fight a lot. I don't think that's healthy," I told him.

He ran his hands through his hair and leaned against the counter looking stressed, "yeah tell me about it. I'm thinking this break might actually be for good which at this point doesn't seem too bad."


The night went on and Justin and I continued talking in the kitchen for almost two hours.

I had never gotten this close to Justin before and I kinda liked it. He's really nice and understanding and funny.

   I was leaning against the counter and Justin was doing the same, facing me.

   As our conversation began to die down I noticed him starting to lean in. I started leaning in to, closing my eyes as Justin placed his hands on the sides of my face.

   I felt his lips softly touch mine and I began to kiss him back.

   Our kiss only lasted a couple of seconds before Hannah interrupted, "hey, Treasure you read- oh shit sorry!"

   Justin and I pulled away. Justin grinned at me and I blushed, looking down at my feet.

   "I should um—get going," I said to Justin. "But I'll see you at school." I smiled at him before running over to Hannah.

   "What was that?!" Hannah asked as we left Bryce's house.

   "I honestly don't know," I told her as a smile cracked at my lips.


   It was now Monday, and Hannah and I were walking to the cafeteria after second period to get lunch.

   I waited in line with Hannah while she bought a wrap and then we made our way to our usual table.

   Then suddenly I felt someone aggressively tug on the back of my shirt. I quickly turned around, coming face to face with a furious Jessica.

   "You bitch!" She screeched and then I felt her hand collide with my left cheek.

   My lunch dropped to the ground as I brought my hand quickly up to my cheek to try and stop the stinging.

    I looked to the left of the cafeteria and saw Justin jump up from his seat and rush over to us.

   "What was that for!" Hannah yelled getting protective.

   "Your slutty little sister kissed my boyfriend!" Jessica grumbled while she death starred me.

   "I'm sorry did I hear the word boyfriend in that sentence? Maybe you should be dealing with his cheating ass before you take your shit out on my sister!" Hannah argued.

   "Jess we aren't even fucking dating anymore," Justin added as he approached the scene. "You broke up with me that night, remember?" He scoffed.

   Jessica practically had steam coming out of her ears from how mad she was. "No, I said we were on a break!"

   "Okay well now I'm saying this 'break' is officially a break up. We're done, Jessica. Now leave," Justin demanded.

   Jessica angrily stomped out of the cafeteria and Justin turned to look at me.

   "Are you okay, Treasure?" He asked concerned.

   I nodded, "my cheek stings a bit but I'm okay."

   Justin pulled me into hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him back.

   "Why don't you come with me and I go buy you some lunch since yours is all over the floor now?" He asked pulling out of the hug.

   "That'd be really nice. Thank you," I said smiling up at him.

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