Zach Dempsey PT 2

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It's been two weeks since that whole argument with Zach during lunch, and he hasn't called, texted, or talked to me in person.

I gave up on us after the first week because I figured it was best for both of us anyway. I mean when you think about it, we only have a couple years until we both go off to university and I have a feeling we won't be going to the same one.

Zach is planning on trying to get a basketball scholarship somewhere and I'm trying to peruse my career in fashion design. I want to travel to schools in France, Italy, and everywhere else where I can learn about different types of fashion.

So, I guess us not being together might be a good thing. Of course I'll always love Zach. He's the first guy that I have ever truly loved. I just hate letting him go. But maybe it's for the best.

"Honey," my mum spoke up from behind me. I turned around and saw my mum leaning against the opening of my bedroom door with a look of sadness on her face.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

She sighed and walked over to my bed, sitting down on the edge, "you're father called." She said lightly.

My dad has been away on business for two months now and he should be coming back in about a week or so. He's the CEO of a big company so they have him travel around a lot.


"He has to stay in Vancouver for nine months." My mum told me.

Right then and there my heart dropped. I wouldn't be seeing my dad for nine months, "n-nine months?" I asked.

My mum nodded, "but there's something else." I stayed silent and let her continue. "He started renting a house there. He really liked it and so he figured we could move up there and if we ended up liking it he would buy it and we would live there permanently."

"W-what?! No! We can't!" I yelled. "Mom! I have my whole life here!"

"I know sweetheart but if we go you can see your dad," she stated calmly.

"Yeah until he decides to go away for work again!"

"I'm sorry hun."

"When do we leave?" I questioned, looking down at my bed and fiddling with my fingers.

"Tomorrow night. Once we leave your fathers assistant is flying down while the movers pack up the rest of the stuff here."

"You said it might not be permanent though." I looked up at her.

She sighed and stood up off of my bed, "Y/N, you know how your father is. The house in Vancouver is a set thing for him. He'll be sighing the contract to buy it next week no doubt."

I started to cry. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face into them.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. It's out of my hands." And with that, my mum walked out of my room.


This is it. I'm leaving for Vancouver in six hours. I have all of my clothes packed and everything else that I needed to bring myself. I can't believe this is happening.

I haven't contacted Zach because I figured there was no use. Nothing is gonna be able to keep me here no matter how much I want to stay.

I sat on my bed staring at my empty bedroom. I will never be here again. This is it. All of life has been spent in this house, in this room. All of the sad times, the happy times, the extremely angry and depressing times. All of the memories that have been spent in this room with Zach.

It'll all be left here for whoever moves in next.


Three hours remaining until I get on my dads fancy private jet and leave my home.

I sat outside on my porch trying to take everything in. As I looked onto the street I see Zach's car pull up.

He got out of his car and ran over to me. I stood up and he pulled me into a hug.

I cried into his arms for who knows how long, but after I stoped we pulled away and Zach wiped my tears.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you. I swear I will do everything to be a better boyfriend." He said. "I love so much."

I smiled sadly, "it's a little too late for that."

He tilted his head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

I sighed, not wanting to think about it again, "I'm moving to Vancouver. My dad is going to buy a house there that he's renting."

Zach's eyes widened and became teary, "when?"

"In three hours."

"No! No! You can't be!" He mumbled.

"I am. I've already tried to talk my mum out of going but she can't bare to not see him for nine more months."

Zach pulled me into another tight hug but it felt different than all of the others we have shared. The other ones were just the typical I love you type of hugs. But these ones were the please don't leave me type of hugs mixed with the goodbye forever type of hugs.

I pulled away and gently pressed my lips against his, "I love you, Zach Dempsey."

"I love you too," He said after pulling away. "That's why I got you this." He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it, "I'm not proposing," he chuckled. "But I'm promising to never ever let you go again. No matter what."

I smiled at him lovingly. He took the small ring out of the box and put it on my right hand ring finger.

"Y/N, honey. We have to go or we'll be late to the airport and you know how grumpy Mr. Wilson gets when we're late." My mom said referring to the private jet pilot.

I nodded sadly Zach helped me carry my bags to the car.

"We will make this work baby," Zach insisted. "I promise."

I gave him one last hug and kiss, "goodbye Zach. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N."

And with that, I got in the car and we headed off to the airport. And just as we turned down the street I could see Zach crying with his head in his hands as he got in his car.

Lord knows I'm gonna have to make a part 3 cause I can't leave you guys or myself hanging 😂

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