Jeff Pt.3 (Imagine)

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"Come on, Y/N. You need to go to this damn party!" Justin begged, following me home on a Friday after school.

"And why do I need to go?" I questioned.

"Cause you need to get laid. You and Jeff broke up five months ago and you have slept with anyone since," he stated as if my sex life was the most important thing in the world to worry about.

I rolled my eyes, "can't we just say you and I slept together and then let this go?"

Justin stopped in his path and stared at me wide eyed, "never suggest that again," he gagged. "I do not want to think about hooking up with my elementary school best friend...not that you're not hot but like I just can't," he chuckled at that last bit. I laughed along, playfully slapping his chest.



"Alright, well I'm leaving. This is your last chance Y/N," Justin warned jokingly at my front door.

I rose an eyebrow, "last chance for what? I have so many more years of my life to hook up with someone J, I don't need to do it at some high school party with some asshole who won't remember my name in the morning," I chuckled and shooed him out of my house before he could say another word.

I closed the door and laughed to myself shaking my head and my incredibly stupid but amazing best friend.

Since it was Friday, I thought it was only best to celebrate with pizza and some random movie on Netflix.

   I ordered pizza and it arrived fifteen minutes later. I brought it over to my couch and planted myself down under a pile of blankets. I put on Accepted and snuggled up taking a piece of pizza from the box beside me.

Definitely better than a party.


About two movies and half a box of pizza later, it was now one thirty in the morning and there was a light knock on my front door.

Being the only person home, as my parents were away on business, I crept slowly to the front door without making a noise and checked through the small window to see who it was.

There stood Jeff Atkins. His head was hung low but you could see the dried tears and bloodshot eyes.

I opened the door and he quickly looked up at me with almost a look of embarrassment from coming to my house at this time.

I let him in without question seeing as he was obviously not doing well.

He followed me to the living room and sat himself on the couch beside me. I passed him the pizza box and watched as he took a piece out and took a small bite out of it.

I finally decided to break the silence because I was still confused as to why he came to my house crying at almost two in the morning. "So you gonna tell me why you're sitting on my couch half wasted and almost in tears?"

He looked up at me, his eyes glimmering back at mine, "Becka cheated on me with Bryce," he admitted.

"Not surprised," I mumbled under my breath so only I could hear. "How um—how'd you find that out?" I asked right after.

We were at his party and I couldn't find Becka so I asked Justin if he'd seen her, and he said he saw her go upstairs. I went upstairs and saw her and Bryce together in his bed," he explained. "To be completely honest though I don't know why I'm even crying about it."

I tilted my head in confusion, wondering why he even said that in the first place. I've been cheated on before and let me tell you, I cried my eyes out for weeks on end. I feel like it's impossible not cry when you've been cheated on.

"Why do you say that?" I asked after breaking away from my thoughts.

Jeff shrugged, "I don't know, I mean yeah I loved her, but...I never really fell in love with her, if that makes any sense," he told me and took another bite of his pizza, then turned his gaze to the tv that was playing Easy A. It was the scene where Olive Pendergast had just told her teacher that his wife had given a student chlamydia.

That seemed to some how lighten his mood because a small smiled formed on his face and he let out a light chuckle, "good choice of movie," he said.

I smiled back and nodded in agreement, "yeah. You gotta love the classic movie of high school teenagers and their rumoured sex life," I laughed. "Never gets old."

"We continued to watch the movie for I'd say ten minutes and then Jeff stood up, wobbling ever so slightly which showed he definitely had a few drinks at that party, "I should go, I'm sorry for bothering you," he mumbled.

"Jeff, you're not going home like this. You're drunk, sad, and you look tried as hell. There's no way you're driving home like that, so sit your ass back on this couch," I demanded, probably sounding like a concerned mother.

Jeff's eyes widened at my sudden demand and quickly sat back down, wrapping a blanket around him.

We stayed silent for a couple minutes and I suddenly felt Jeff move closer beside me. He kept moving closer until he was directly beside me. I stay still, unsure of what he was trying to do.

The silence stayed until Jeff spoke up minutes later, "I fell in love with you, Y/N."

He leaned down and tried to kiss me but I backed away a little, "not right now, Jeff." I told him strictly. "You just got cheated on and I'm not trying to get my heart broken again," I confessed.

Jeff sighed but nodded in understanding, "could we try again though? Slowly. From the start?"

I thought about it for a moment then responded, "very slowly."

And with that, Jeff turned his attention back to the tv trying to hide his small grin.

He placed his arm around my shoulders in what felt at that time like a friendly manner, but would soon feel like something more than that.

It's pouring rain outside right now and I love it
Also...Happy late Canada Day!!!🇨🇦

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