Prologue: My Untimely Death And Sudden Reincarnation

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Prologue: My Untimely Death And Sudden Reincarnation

In an endless sea of darkness, I floated without aim or direction. It seemed like this was going to be the place where I was meant to be at the conclusion of my life. The fragmented memories of my childhood, teenage life and early adult years swam all around me without pause. As if to further cement the fact that I was truly dead, was there a heaven I was supposed to go or a hell that I was supposed to be doomed in. The honest answer was I did not know how to exactly answer that question.

My name is Shinohara Yukiyo, I've lived for 21 years and enjoyed every part of my life up until the end. I lost my single mother at young age which ended up impacting the way I viewed concepts like family and love. My relatives being a unique lot who weren't like other relatives who would use the opportunity to use the inheritance money left behind for me and deprive me from it kept it safe until I was the appropriate age to use it.

For them that meant my teenage years, they essentially told me to live off on my own and decide what I want to do for my life. And so I did exactly that, I lived as I wished. If your question was : "what can a teenager possibly do with all of that money?". Then the answer was very obvious when you considered the following:

1. I didn't interact all that much in middle or high school

2. My interests were all internet focused and centered around it (MMOs, scrolling through social media, watching videos, anime, reading the manga and light novels I ordered online.)

And the end result would be a NEET who never even left her house since everything would be delivered to her through online services. One could say that I lived poorly but I am rather proud of my hikkineet, ahem, I mean home guard duties.

Though if I were to be told to go touch some grass by someone from the internet it would certainly sting, hence I worked out and bought gym equipment. This was my entire teenage life, day in and day out. I did not require school to get ahead in life. I never really made any school friends because I found them to be troublesome. With all that I needed being inside of my home, and that is what mattered to me in the end. However if you think that I suddenly slipped on a banana peel and cracked my skull then you are wrong by a long shot.

To capture the timeline of events leading up to my death one would need to see what kind of world I lived in. Technology was rapidly developing at a never seen before rate, you could more or less feel and touch what was digital. But that was a by-product of what had taken over the world at that point, people could gain a plethora of skills by playing video games as simulation had reached a life like stage. One could say they had peaked at the level they were going. Hence why diving into video games was not uncommon since this was now the new trend that every company had to get into.

The old school MMOs I used to play evolved into VRMMORPGs. One of those old MMOs I used to play that evolved into such a game was amply named Sword Fantasy. It was a typical magic and swords game with the associated races that existed within it. A player could choose between the worlds, Viola and Estus for their character to live in and could freely jump between the worlds. What made Sword Fantasy very unique as a gaming experience was the customization of player appearance as well as jobs and their skill trees. Amongst all of the races of orc, dragon, undead, human, beastkin, dwarf as well as the other demihuman sub races I had decided to become an elf at first. But then as time passed I became a dark elf due to both to the fact I loved them with all my heart because of their mysterious and cool appeal and their high stats in Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Agility.

The level of detail within Sword Fantasy was so amazing that one could commission artists to create their game characters for them and base their entire skillset around appearance alone. That was particularly me and my favored artist who was also an elf enjoyer. Our interests aligned and that is how α-Ω (Alpha Omega) was born. She had long platinum blonde hair, strong and stern crimson eyes wearing a white dress like battle armor, her range of weapons included the bow, the dual blades and sword. There was plenty of versatility and flexibility to learn other weapons. Because of this I had gained somewhat of a reputation in Sword Fantasy because I would usually be involved in a lot of the events and quests the game had to offer. Down to the point of the name 「Dark Snow Princess」sticking whenever my character appeared in any world lobby.

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