Chapter 13: And Here I Thought I Would Be All Pacifist And What Not

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Chapter 13: And Here I Thought I Would Be All Pacifist And What Not

The cold breeze of the mountains were playing around my cheeks as I watched the landscape that was far below seemed to be like a painted scene. It was so beautiful that I had completely forgotten I was still climbing the mountains with everyone else, Shen looked at me with a gentle gaze.

"You seem to like the view don't you, Yukiyo"

"I do. It's really beautiful. Its been a while since I have been in this world and I only seem to earn even more respect from seeing this, this world really is beautiful"

"Wait till you have wings and start flying off to the floating islands"


I screamed loud enough to cause an avalanche but it seemed Shen used magic to make it such that we could shout as much as we wanted to limiting how far my shouting could go.

"I am yet to get there myself"

"Same here"

"Shiro wants to go to floating islands and adventures with everyone!"

"I express the same desire"

"Kaa-san are we there yet?"

"Not yet"

Everyone was busy talking whilst I was in my slime form, I had transformed to be like a boat that would rapidly climb the mountain as fast I can if someone was to see this they would think they are having a hallucination and start to immediately running away from me. Yes yes I am surreal I know that but there isn't a better way of climbing the mountain at rapid speed without taking everyone with me. It seemed to be the most viable option too, yes everyone here could fly excluding her but she ignored all of their opinions and decided to move on with her own ideas.

"Yukiyo stop we are here"

"Ah, okay"

I transformed back into my dark elf form after everyone got off, I froze for a moment as I stared at the building that was before me. It was covered in complete white as was everything else here, the trees seemed to compliment the surroundings as their icy blue cherry blossom petals freely floated in the air, in between the trees themselves were statues of very beautiful women and fairies as well. The snow was slowly falling down in this place as if in honor of its very existence, the glass of the window felt made of ice itself, the walls were a cold brick of the same material as the glass, the decorations of the walls were covered by an array of snowflakes. I felt like I had entered another world entirely, I know I am in a fantasy world but this is just too beautiful.


"My sister is very elaborate when it comes to beauty and such, for instance she added the ice fairy statues a while back because she thought they looked cute."

"She lives alone up here?"


"As expected of the ice dragon, Setsu she loves all things related to beauty"

"D-Did Shen's sister do something stupid in the past too?"

"Yes, my predecessor was given the task of investigating the issue of the dragon that was stealing paintings, white colored treasures and even statues dedicated to queens."

"Yes Setsu lives up to her nickname"

"And what's that?"

"Winter thieving dragon"


"That's a funny name"

"Shiro thinks so too!"

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