Side Chapter 2: Blessed With Untapped Power

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Side Chapter 2: Blessed With Untapped Power

"Can anyone tell me where the hell we are going?"

Chloe said with a sigh as they had been walking for hours now. The forest seemed like it would never end but they end grown to know each other in that amount of time, Ryou was a feminine boy who was bullied for it, Minami was a silent and shy girl who got picked on by the other girls, Chloe because of her appearance and obvious foreigner attitude was ostracized and finally Masayuki it didn't need to be said because he was simply fat. Each of them had a skill given by that dumb god, Ryou had Appraisal and Area Scan, Minami had Detection, Chloe had Intuition, and Masayuki had the Mapping skill as well as the Storage skill. If one combined any of these skills together they could get out of the forest together alive. How did that incompetent god put them all together with skills like these.

"I can. There is a small clearing just ahead of us"

"Minami are there any monsters?"

"N-No there's none."

"So it is a safe zone huh?"


"I'll use my Appraisal to see what kind of place it is"

Ryou said with a firm tone in his voice, but what appeared completely baffled him.

"What's the matter Ryou-chan?"

"This place is kinda bizarre"

"What do you mean"

"Out with it, it could mean life or death"

"It says 『Fenrir's Area Of Dominance』"

"Whoa such a powerful monster inside of this forest, but are we allowed to go in there?"

"I think it has either left or is around here somewhere. I do not believe that Fenrir is very vicious to the weak like us"

Chloe said with certainty in her voice as she walked ahead of the others. The clearing was quite nice and it had a full view of the sky, there were some parts that were burnt but other than that it was an alright place.

"See?What did I tell ya?I am going to look for a way to sleep"

"Before eating?!Chloe-san I do not think that is a very wise idea!"

"What else can we do?We do not have things that can make us cook food anyway"

"Do not worry about that!I was gathering wood and some things which looked edible as we were walking"

"......Mochizuki are you good at cooking?"

"What are you saying?!Even though I am like this I did not always eat junk food!I cooked on my own and spent a great deal of my money going to places learning recipes that I could cook for people one day!"

Mochizuki puffed out his chest with pride as he smiled taking out the firewood he had in the storage at one of the burnt spots which seemed to be still warm. He nodded as he took out another thing from their world, a lighter.

"I am glad, I always carried this with me"

"Let me guess, the teachers were asshats too so they prompted you to carry a lighter for them so they could smoke on the rooftop?"


"Call it women's intuition."


"So what did you find anyway?"

"Using Ryou-chan's Appraisal skill I gathered some mushrooms, some fruits and nuts. Its not much but I can roast them over the fire and we can eat them before sleeping"

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