Chapter 7: You Cannot Escape The Past

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Chapter 7: You Cannot Escape The Past

The young girl hugging my waist called me mother, I am pretty sure she is very confused and she doesn't know who her mother is. She is probably having amnesia, I patted her head and then looked her into the eyes. I would have to tell her the truth.

"Hey I am not your-"

Tears were about to well up in the vampire child's eyes and she looked so adorable too. I was about to go with the flow again, how can one reject this cute girl's adorableness to the face?Where was such a demon? Definitely not me. Keeping my mouth shut as I knew this too was probably fate, let's look for your real parents if you have any.

"But please refrain from calling me Mama"

"Not even I could call Yukiyo-kaasan that"



She shouted with a large smile, at the corner of my eye I could see Alex and Ellen slowly sitting down on the ground both of which were merely watching this scene unfold. They had fought an enemy who was far stronger than they could believe however the core of that tough opponent was a cute little girl, I believe their mental fatigue had been blasted to the very stars. Freki returned from extracting the dungeon core and suddenly as soon as he saw the little girl his jaw dropped.

"Mother has acquired a daughter without giving birth?!"


He screamed as the dungeon core rolled on the ground meaninglessly. The same thing that clicked in Freki also happened to Geri whose switch suddenly turned on.


"Oi we haven't -"

"Say Geri what shall we do?We suddenly got a little sister to dote on"

"I do not know but I will spoil her rotten"

"Are you two wolf-sans my big brothers*?"


"So fluffy, and cool!"

I wasn't even able to deny these two Fenrirs, they too went with the flow, I was wishing they too could reject this girl of her passage into our family because weird things would happen such as her gaining my family name! Shen on the other hand was laughing loudly in this silent cemetery holding her stomach because the hilariousness of the situation itself was too much for her. The girl was busying herself playing with Geri and Freki who were more than glad to entertain her.

"You're so noisy"


I was the first one to notice as I looked towards the coffin immediately. What I saw was a pale hand of a young girl then slowly but surely the upper body of a girl with similar features as the first one rose up like she was waking up from a long sleep. She yawned as she looked around, she had short jet black hair as well as the characteristic crimson eyes which had eye bags beneath. She almost looked like me when I was younger and spent way more time on the screen of my PC, the air of a true hikkineet. She wore a goth lolita dress which was centered on these following concepts: comfort, easy to sleep in, easy to move in and finally delicate beauty. I was about to ask where the hell did this girl come from but it seems her sister was quick to answer that.

"Ah twin you woke up!"

"Yes....and I could hear you make a ruckus when you woke up before me. Do you ever show consideration for me twin?"

I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang