Chapter 14: Surprisingly I have set off several flags

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Chapter 14: Surprisingly I have set off several flags

She wanted to kill everything in sight, leave no trace of anything living, her acidic blood was boiling to an extreme degree, smoke was coming out of her mouth and she was staring at the corpses of the nobles and even felt the experience points enter her body but she wanted to do more to the idiot people who harmed Shiro. As an bigger threat to those idiots she gathered all the Dark Matter eyes which were still angry at a single point in front of her jaw like abdomen as they all gathered into a single Dark Matter eye that was covered in jet black flames.


She at least wanted to kill that Emperor and show those people pure despair.

"I have to stop you there"

Sev who had been watching all of this time redirected her laser attack to a small mountain that vanished without a trace leaving an immensely deep and dark hole. Surrounding life forms including large monster settlements of goblins, orcs, kobolds, minotaurs and ogres were wiped out immediately from the resulting fly attacks that erupted from that single attack, the Beelzebub skill was still active and it would cause massive amounts of damage before it could be stopped even the Demon King's daughter could see that having a Seven Deadly Sin Skill was the equivalent of almost becoming a god like being. Yukiyo wanted to kill more and so she flew up into the air opening her mouth as she was about to raze the entire forest in highly radiated flames. If that were to hit the forest it would be dangerous even for them, they had to think fast before she committed to doing it.

"What do we do?!Mother is out of control!!"

"Don't worry we have a backup plan for that"

"What is it?!"


Shen was currently flying up to Yukiyo's position as fast as she could to stop her from doing more damage to both the land and probably herself. The ball of energy that was rapidly building itself in front of her mouth was big enough to send the forest into a hell of flames.

"『World Devouring Flame』"

Words came out of Yukiyo's mouth with a recoil that could shake the heavens the ball exploded into a straight beam that made even space distort surrounding it.

"You're too young to be using flames goddamnit!"

Shen transformed into her dragon form and pushed back the flames with her body, despite them hurting as hell she needed to drive a point home to the very much hurt Yukiyo. She knew that Yukiyo loved this world and everything in it and didn't want to destroy it in this way. She kept on moving forward right before she reaches her she transforms back to her human form and punches her.

"Calm down you idiot"

A tinge of surprise rose inside of Yukiyo's eyes right before she could attack Shen as well she was grabbed into a tight hug.

"You are strong and you can do so many things, I know you are angry I am too but its not worth becoming a massive threat to everything and everyone for. You always smile even in the most direst of moments, you're my precious one. The person I would love to stay with for a very long time so please come back to me and everyone, knowing you, you would probably figure a way to even heal Shiro in a matter of moments. Hold back that bloodlust, you are certainly my human and no one else's."

Yukiyo's eyes widened as tears started to flow from her eyes with the black ooze falling away as she reverts to her normal dark elf form. The sky brightens up as the Dark Matter eyes had returned back into Yukiyo, Shen proceeds to hold her in a princess carry with a confident smile on her face.

I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن