Chapter 36: A Show Of Overwhelming Strength

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Chapter 36: A Show Of Overwhelming Strength / Severed Bonds Reunite

The Royal Capital of Alphonvita was in sight, it made the journey all the more worth it. But it was not easy getting here, particularly for the other pair of twins. Kuroe and Shiroe had decided that they were going to become party members after they fully registered. And in doing so Liz and Beth were subjected to the training regime that their brothers and mother employed. Entering goblin nests to attack them at night time, ambushing passing by orges and orcs, soloing dungeons on their own within a time limit. All of these things whilst dangerous helped them level up quickly, they also ate fruit coming from Dark Matter Universe which increased levels even more. They hadn't broken their limits yet as mortals but they were strong enough to not be bothered by most things.

"I am glad we have reached here! It took so long! I thought I was going to die!"

"But it was fun wasn't it Liz?"

"Don't you dare give me that Kuroe! I almost died numerous times! We could have gotten here faster!"

"True but aren't you happy that you can subjugate a massive orc horde all on your own?"

"Firstly, fuck you. Secondly yes I am. I'm doing things heroes from fairy tales are doing but we were supposed to be here weeks ago"

Kuroe chuckled lightly as Liz pointed her finger at her, Shiro and Beth who were behind them watched with smiles on their faces. They had become really close. Maybe close enough that one day they would be introduced to their mother. It brought them joy that they liked them this much.

"Uh, um, what is going on over there"

Beth says as she sees something in the distance, soon they all see it. A group of four giants are walking towards the royal capital.

"I bet they are panicking aren't they?"

"It looks like they are!"

"No, you don't mean"


"Each person gets to take down the giants before they reach the capital's walls! Instant recognition!"

This wasn't part of the script if one was wondering on the twins' part. Grabbing Liz and Beth by the arms they threw them at the giants who didn't notice them. With the speed they were going it was entirely possible they could have become fine paste on the bodies of the giants but due to being trained by Kuroe and Shiro they landed on their feet and immediately started running on their bodies. Liz took out the black bone whip which was gifted by Shiro which screamed sparks as she ran electricity through it, the giant which she was cruising across its body tried to swat her like an insect but she dodged that with ease digging deep into its body. It roars as it slows its pace and falls back.

All whilst it is doing this Liz is not stopping at all, the bone whip's is causing it enough distress that it screams out in terror. Like a dance she dodges its heavy yet fast hand movement and thrashing about, Liz finally jumps over its arching hand and vanishes for a brief moment appearing close to its eyes.

"Bone Hydra"

The bone whip divides itself into a 9 stretching whips that pierce through its flesh and bone. It falls to the ground motionless laid to waste by a human. Beth on the other hand is not giving the giant the benefit of the movement, she restrains it with massive roots that slices and dices through its body. The right arm is finely cut off causing the giant to roar in agony, it breaks free from its restraints only to be meant with the dead eyed glare of Beth who rides the root she sprouted from the ground and gorges its eye out. Not attacking her the moment it saw her was a mistake as Beth cuts off its fingers with her thin vibrating dungeon rapier, running up its right arm Beth surrounds herself in an aura of slicing wind as she becomes even faster cutting into the very bone of the giant with the mana that she had acquired in the short period she was with the twins.

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