Side Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1

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Side Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1: Lord Swordsman Vs The Fiendish One Who Rules Over Demons

The Heroes, a group of humans who came from another world summoned by the Cornelia Empire to defeat the prophesied new Demon King. Two special classrooms were created for them because they didn't really have a designation for them, Class S The Hero Generation Class. In the Academy City a hero was not that special and they would receive them every time the Demon King rose to power, however this was different. A generation of heroes had been summoned meaning the situation had changed, this meant that the new Demon King was either very powerful or employing the power of the Evil Gods. A list of examples for the heroes were as follows: one with the ability of acceleration, another one who could stop time, and another couldn't be harmed by anything. These were but a few examples to show off that the heroes were very strong and thus could easily conquer class A and the school if they felt like it. Nations who didn't know about the heroes' unique skills would find out in this tournament and then they would work so they could negotiate what to do with them when the war with the Demon King was over. Obviously for conquering other nations that they had their eyes on, assassinations and the like were the key thoughts here, this was the fate of these children who were summoned here.

However not all heroes were as useful, the outcasts were a pair that didn't have their skills necessarily active hence why they were discarded and often bullied by their own classmates. Those two went missing causing a bit of an uproar with their classmates but the tournament was here and it was to show off the power of the nations that held the children who they sent. It was a painfully obvious truth they could stand against the heroes from the other world, no matter how skilled or talented they were none of the other students could hope to actually win against the heroes. Hence why it became a tournament showcasing the abilities of the heroes instead, the fights themselves were very fierce and they amazed the arena with their prowess. They had all lost to the leader of Class S-1, the Lord Swordsman Tadashi Matsuoji, having been trained by the Empire's Sword Saint Reinhart Minerva. This was a natural result, he was well loved by the girls of the school and envied by the boys because of his strength and handsome looks. This was the end of the tournament and he would receive even more glory and fame by being praised in front of everyone including various nation representatives who were invited here by the principal who was very well known. He waved at the increasing volume of cheers that the crowd was giving him, flowers were even thrown to the stage in full excitement that he won the tournament all alone through his power alone. He stood there proud of his ability basking in the praises of the crowd and smiled to hear them shout his name, the screams are cut short as the principal of the school is about to congratulate him on his win after fighting both the regular peasants and his own classmates.

"You have done well Lord Matsuoji just like your peers have. I praise your prowess as it is something that is truly worthy to be praised"

"Thank you Principal Calthius"

"You're welcome. However now begins the true tournament."


"So far you have faced regular students who are not heroes and your classmates who you could easily conquer with your skill but now you as well as the other six heroes who have given you a tough time shall face true threats to mankind. If you manage to defeat them then you are certainly the defenders to humanity's long reign of power but if you do not. The end of an era is neigh."

"I and my dear comrades shall face them head on"

"Excellent, you may appear now"

The crowd was thrown into a wave of confusion as to why the principal did this, the students felt like he was cheated out of his certified victory whilst the nation representatives were unsure to make of this. Was the principal of this school a traitor to mankind?If so what was he really plotting?And why show it off now?It was all confusing to really figure out really. Five figures clothed in cloaks stood next to the principal, five?But didn't he say there were six? Footsteps are heard walking from the entrance where Tadashi was, he could feel a presence that could grip his entire soul and rip it into shreds but he kept that to the back of his mind. First a gloved hand reached out feeling the sun as if testing it like water whether it's hot or not, then a figure gets out of the darkness walking towards the stage. It's wearing a black hooded jacket with red lines, jeans are the same color as well as its sneakers.

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