Chapter 37: Dance In The Shadows Part 1

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Chapter 37: Dance In The Shadows Part 1

Yukiyo was dumbfounded by the information that the twins brought to her. How could this have happened?Why did this happen?And most importantly how was she going to explain this to Shen who was sleeping right now?! Kuroe and Shiro smiled with warm smiles whilst the girl who resembled the both of them if they were fused stood awkwardly in front of them. What form of bullshittery was this? She asked herself this question as she didn't have the right words to say just yet.

"Um, M-Mother I have come home"


She was just like Kuroe and Shiro in one way or another and thus decided to ask questions right away instead of staying confused. Was this what she taught her children? Surprises are always welcome but......wasn't this too absurd?!She didn't even have time to complain.

"Firstly are you also a dungeon boss?"

"Yes I am"

"How long have you lived?"

"5 decades"

"So you are basically Shiro and Kuroe's older sister then?"

"Yes I am mine siblings' oldest triplet"

"Adorable, but lacking in certain departments. Maybe that will change later on down the line."


Yes, Arisa was definitely lacking in the height and chest areas. She was not so short one would call her a child but just enough that if she stood side by side with her sisters the top of Arisa's head would line up with the lower half of the twin's necks. These two were obviously bigger than her and it showed. Yukiyo smiled smugly and patted her shoulder. Arisa was even more confused by what was being said by this woman with Kuroe and Shiro chuckling despite not understanding either.

"Don't worry you'll grow soon, everyone in this family is like that"

"Wait what doth thee mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough chuunibyo child. Soon enough."

"Mother doth thou know that thou is being cryptic?"


Living proof that Status-sama was all powerful, Yukiyo already knew Arisa's name by some mysterious form. She even had Yukiyo's surname which made things better. Shen wakes up from her nice nap and finds Arisa in front of her. Her face immediately tenses up in confusion.

"Don't worry it's just Ari-chan isn't she adorable?"


Even Shen was confused by her appearance and her glare had said it all for Yukiyo "This is your fault isn't it?", with Yukiyo shaking her head to suggest she was not involved in any of this.

"Hehe Dad! She's our long lost sister!"

"That is the truth, we found out about her today"

"Not yesterday?Or even several weeks before?"

Shen asks for a more realistic outcome but those hopes are shattered by the following answer that Kuroe and Shiro give in unison.


"We met her today!"

"I swear your kids have taken that surprise aspect from you"

Shen touches her head from the headache she gains from this. Shiro and Kuroe were like Yukiyo in that aspect, wildly ignoring common sense when they found the chance. Even the circumstances surrounding them weren't even Yukiyo's fault, she just found them and yet they took everything about her to a maximum, they did have their own personalities but one thing remained: they cared about the ones they loved and would destroy the world for them.

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