Chapter 34: We, The Vampire Demon Lords Are Going On A Trip On Our Own!

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Chapter 34: We, The Vampire Demon Lords Are Going On A Trip On Our Own!

The fall of the Zenovia Kingdom was crippling to the Cornelia Empire which was slowly but surely being surrounded by enemies. They could not receive the new discoveries made by the fallen kingdom, not to mention the fact that the Halodonia Kingdom had annexed it as a part of their territory. Yukiyo had focused her power in making sure the construction of the new capital was not near the ruins of the old one, the people who stayed in the old capital would not become slaves or anything but rather they would help lay the foundations of this new capital and enter new lives with the residents they will call their neighbors. Beastkin, elves, dwarves, golems and demons. The Bolcross Theocracy was probably screaming right now but Yukiyo didn't care as this was the example of the type of society she wanted to make, she had already achieved that with the other two.

"I think my job here is finished, I should leave things to you Sev"

"Much thanks I don't know how we would have rebuilt so many facilities in a short amount of time."

Sev was watching over the construction machines quickly trivializing what would take years to rebuild. She nodded as now that magic technology that Zenovia had been using for enslaving other races would be used for good. Yukiyo pats her shoulder with a smile on her face.

"Alright then it seems I need to head over home"

"Oh good luck, I heard your children have been missing you dearly"

"Yeah I didn't have that much time with them. I suppose it will be alright to see how they are doing before spending more time with Shen who has been complaining that I am too distant with this kind of work lately"

"Best make your way to them, have a nice honeymoon"

"I will!"

With the wave of a hand Yukiyo bids Sev goodbye as she now opens a portal to the royal palace's hallways heading into the throne room. It had been like what?A full month since they began reconstruction of this kingdom into Sev territory as Yukiyo called it. She sighed as she stretched, initially she just wanted to leave it in ruin but Sev stepped in and stopped her completely. Then roped her into construction work, the Dark Matter were more than willing to help with the tasks here too. Yukiyo yawned as she approached even further to the throne room but suddenly felt an immense pressure behind that door as if it was judgement time. Yukiyo peeked inside after taking a solid minute of wondering what will happen to her. Upon fully inspecting there was no one inside Yukiyo entered.

"Then what the fuck was that I just felt"

"It seems we've waited long enough Onee-chan"

"Yes we have my lovely Imouto-chan!We've been waiting for you Kaa-chan!"

From the shadows came two strangers that Yukiyo didn't recognize at first but then as their forms were fully revealed. There was no doubt about it, these two beautiful girls were Yukiyo's daughters but there was one thing that truly bothered her. WHY DID THEY GROW UP SO FAST?! When Yukiyo left them in the care of Geri, Freki as well as the Demon King's subordinates she felt like they would be busy for a time and have fun but how in the name of Sophia did they become even more teenager like in this short period of time. Shiro had grown her hair to shoulder length, she wore a brilliant smile that was akin to the sun as well as a brightly colored red dress with lots of frills and black ribbons on it. It was designed to be easy to move in and kind of showed off the personality that Shiro had, truly a genki girl through and through.

Kuroe on the other hand was quite the opposite from her sister as one would expect, she had grown out her hair so much so that she tied it into a high ponytail. Kuroe wore a black shirt with rolled up sleeved which was unbuttoned near the top, on top of that shirt was a grey waistcoat followed by flexible jeans and shoes. The eye bags beneath her eyes never left but at this point it was a physical trait attributed to her alone. She was the silent emotionless type of girl judging from her looks alone. Before Yukiyo could say a word about it Kuroe had already made the first move of explaining things to her.

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