Side Chapter 13: The Paths of The Rejects Part 2

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Side Chapter 13: The Paths of The Rejects And Heroes Part 2: Licking Wounds And A Surprise Awaits

Within the royal capital of the Cornelia Empire, the royal family and all of those associated with them had one thing in common: they were having nightmares of a hellish future. A future where humanity has united together with monsters, demons and demihumans. A future of great prosperity and advancement built upon the ruins, ashes, bones and blood of the Great Empire of Man. A nightmare that caused ceaseless anxiety and stress within the clergymen of the Bolcross Church. For one individual his nightmares were of a different nature, his were filled with the screams of the spy he saw off. The torture that man went through was grotesquely detailed even for a dream, he could smell the blood, feel sweat dripping from his pores and he even pinched himself to wake himself from the nightmare yet could not wake up. Shade suffered thoroughly and without any kind of relief from his torment, and all Argon could do was watch as the devil covered in murky slime like shadow tortured him. It turns its gaze to him and smirks, stretching its mouth filled arm towards him with an abysmal laughter surrounding him.



"My Lord!"

He screamed so loudly he alerted the knights standing outside of his room who rushed inside to see what was going on. He was drenched in sweat and had spoiled his bed, immediately looking in the direction where the attack came from that day. The knights left the room after reading the air requesting aid from the maids on his behalf, he gets up and touches his forehead.

"These nightmares are getting worse"

Argon says as he removes his wet clothes and stares at the full moon. The maids come to escort him to the bath house within the royal palace and remove the spoiled bedding replacing it with a new one. Throughout the entire walk Argon's thoughts were muddied and displaced, one moment he was in the hallways of the royal palace, the next he was in royal bath house being cleaned by maids and next he was within the bath itself staring at the water.

"It seems I am not the only one having the night frights"

"Your Majesty...."

"You can call me by my name Argon, there is none here but us"

Joseph sat down in the bath with his old friend, he tried to relax but he was still very tense from what he had seen in his own nightmare.

"Joseph I...."

"It is not your fault Argie, none could have foreseen the strength of that dark elf. We must tread carefully where we walk now."

"My nightmares are getting worse"

"As are mine. Whatever demon is responsible for this I would like to have its head offered up to me in a mythril platter. Then perhaps hold it high above my head and say I AM THE SAVIOR OF YOUR DREAMS MY PEOPLE!"


Argon laughed at the emperor's response, a joke helped ease them both. The water started to seep into their very bones, these two men who were old friends from since they were children began to talk once more in a leisurely way.

"Must we visit the oracle who is said to be closer to the gods than Pope Philipe?"

"Yes. The old coot might tell us a thing or two about what we are up against. We'll keep this a secret of course"

"Naturally, wouldn't want the Pope finding out that we visited an oracle other than him from the gods"

"He would throw a temper tantrum and demand more tithes from us."

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