Chapter 29: Fake Heroics

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Chapter 29: Fake Heroics Has Great Results

The Magic Kingdom of Zenovia was fairly advanced in terms of technological innovation, they made many things possible and were very important to the Cornelia Empire. To Sev it was a nation that didn't deserve its success and for Yukiyo she couldn't forgive them because they ran experiments on elves. Yukiyo was all giddy she was going on a trip with several beautiful elves. One could say it was her dream to do this besides she really did want to bond with the elven princesses. Who wouldn't want to become closer over the death of a big benefactor to the Cornelia Empire? If Xagreas was the shield then Zenovia was the sword and taking those away would cripple the empire for some time. The night had already arrived and Yukiyo in the royal palace back in the Dark Elven Capital, she was dancing and humming in her night dress as Shen was watching her do this with tired eyes.

"You look really excited, is the loss of life really that fun to you?"

"They are human supremacist scumbags they have it coming. That's plenty of reason right?"

Shen sighs in exasperation from what she was hearing. Yukiyo was done destroying the Xagreas Kingdom a week earlier and now she was preparing yet another one again, she had to drink a glass of water to calm her thoughts down.

"And Sev? What are her plans?"

"She wants to steal their research before we send them back to the Stone Age, I mean the Barbaric Era"

"At least she is smart enough to preserve their technology in that way"

"Hey! I am an innovator too!"

Shen looked at Yukiyo with a face that doubted her innovative ways, all she could think of were the unique ways she completely fucked over her opponents.

"Don't you dare look at me like that! I've made stuff!"

"Name one thing"

"The prototype shotgun class crossbow"

"That's for slaughtering people you battle crazed slime"

"Um uh.....aha the drafts for a flying ship that has tons of guns and-"

"Destructive down to the word itself"

"A magic bomb that can raze cities to the ground"

" I need to mention why that is the worst idea you've had in a while"

"Okay I will shut up about being an innovator"

"Good. So the princesses and Odin are going with you then?"



"Oh? What's this? Is my lovely Shen gonna miss me? She gonna be yearning for my presence?"

Yukiyo gets even closer to her seeing that Shen was blushing intensely at the very idea that Yukiyo would not be with her for some time.

"I-I said nothing of the sort"

"But your heart is so so honest my lovely dragon wife."

"Flatter me again and I will turn you into slime pancake"

"My, oh my. Don't threaten me with a good time."

"Move off"

Shen pushed Yukiyo away due to the fact her heart was beating rather too rapidly because of Yukiyo being so close to her. At that rate they would have ended up sharing a second kiss together. Yukiyo quickly rose to her feet with a proud smile on her face.

"Don't worry though! Our honeymoon would be just you and me! We will spend so much time together, walk by the beach, do a slow dance to one of those cheesy romance songs and finally at night we get to have se-"

I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!Where stories live. Discover now