Side Chapter 8: The Tournament Part 3

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Side Chapter 8: The Tournament Part 3: Best Not Peer Into the Abyss of People's Minds

The intrusive silence made itself clear as everyone waited for the next match, not even a whisper could be uttered at the moment. The things happening within this arena were so astonishing that one had to wonder whether they were actually dreaming or not. That was how fantastical it all was to everyone, from the regular class E dunce student to the most talented teacher to the nation representatives who sat in their cozy seats. The first and second heroes who had bitterly fought against each other lost to the Principal's demons, this was the name that the representatives gave the secret group of heroes who suddenly grew strong from out of nowhere. The fear was creeping in and settling itself down on all of them, escape was a dream because of the nature of the place they found themselves. This was a traveling city, teleportation from this high would be suicide. And flying devices like airships couldn't keep up because of the speed that this large city was going, there was a reason why one couldn't simply attack the Academy City of Vivicetto. They all sat in their seats, tight lipped and watching as their expectations were being crushed right in front of their eyes. They still had an ember of hope within their eyes as they saw the next runner-up to being the winner of this championship walk up the stage. If one could say that this man was going to win via appearance alone they would be right, the way he walked in full swagger as he treated the world around him like some sort of play that only he was the main character made those who hated him hate him even more.

One could feel like they were seeing a trail of flowers being left as he walked, he had long black hair tied into a ponytail. His black eyes couple with his handsome face could woo any woman from their feet in an instant. He could very likely get the things he wants completely for free if the other party was a woman, that was how influential his beauty was. His beautiful eyes turned up to look at his audience and with that he let out a smile that could ease the tension that had been built up until this point by the strength of the monsters that had invaded their tournament. It was a reassuring smile like a mother's to a crying child, it gave them all a sense of security they never felt before thus making the heavy atmosphere become normal once again despite there being another who was going to fight him in the next couple of minutes.

"My dear roses in the moonlit valley I shall grant honor to my fallen comrades, I will show them how strength is also beauty!I, Ichinose Nagi shall prevail where others have failed."

Ichinose Nagi, the boy was listed as the most beautiful man within the school, a title that was hard to get because of the numerous beautiful nobles who had similar kinds of beauty. Nagi stood at the very top of delicate beauty with Tadashi coming in on a close second, his tall figure waited for his opponent whom he would avenge his fellow hero classmates with. Nagi had tapped into the limitless potential of telepathic magic which was largely underdeveloped and was now reaching very high strides, even if he were to quit being a hero right now he would become a very useful sage via spreading of his knowledge on the subject. His expertise on said telepathic magic was not a laughing matter either, he could read people's minds like a book, simultaneously use weapons such as swords and spears all whilst reading tomes that would increase his magic capacity to an even greater height. This man was certainly dangerous in his own right, if he were to be left alone unmonitored it would cause a great deal of trouble, however with his kind of personality the representatives who were thinking the same thing had their worries quickly vanish like mist.

He stood arms akimbo with a warm smile on his face, confidence was certainly high despite seeing what was done to his comrades. Did he have an ace up his sleeve that would change the game entirely?They just didn't know and that made all of them excited for what would happen next. Nagi waited patiently for the next Principal's demon to arrive with the footsteps of such a person being his answer. The particular slowness of this figure made him feel uneasy, there was something unnerving about an opponent who knew they had a fight before them and yet took their time to walk towards the entrance into the arena. It was mocking him to a certain degree and he couldn't put up with it anymore thus he spoke once more to instill a little bit of self consciousness into whoever was walking towards him.

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