Chapter 27: Going Out Not With A Bang But With A Loud Screech

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Chapter 27: Going Out Not With A Bang But With A Loud Screech / Das Ende ist nahe, also schreit am lautesten

In the span of 12 days the Xagreas Kingdom had been brought to its knees. The elves with demonic might and aid conquered most of the nation and razed everything to the ground. Slave markets, cities of commerce and trading, churches, adventurer's guild sites and important government buildings with important documents that were used to run the day by day workings of the government. All within 12 days. One had to stand in awe of the power that those demonic elves received. They were a whole new monster ready to rip the world apart and show it their new found strength. Starkweather found an opportunity to strike and soon he was going to behead the royal family so he could appease the elves. Yes it was rather late for him to destroy the areas that he needed to snuff out but the elves were doing that job for him, but if he was to ignore genuine conflict with anyone using the fastest route to the royal capital which was by the river then he would arrive there in due time. Only one day was left and now just a couple kilometers from the royal capital and a single rest he would be able to grasp his dream after so long.

The days were hot and the nights were cool, their morale was quite high that the nation would be saved by General Starkweather. The noises of the crickets and the cicadas made their hearts feel at ease, he nodded as he drank water from his flask.

"The night is certainly beautiful. Is it supposed to represent my glorious capture of the royal capital?"

"Yes sir. It is"

"It is a blessing from the gods that we shall capture it under your guidance!"

"We shall lead the Xagreas kingdom into a new era!"

"Praise be to the Starkweather dynasty!!"

One of the noblemen who agreed to join his cause said valiantly and another and another. Hope was drawn within their hearts and they really did believe they were the heroes that the Xagreas Kingdom needed how else would Irving have brought them together?That sense of patriotism and quest for valor and greatness was what he took advantage of. He knew that if he exploited this urge then he would be doing them all a favor.

"Alright men. I'll run through the whole scenario once again: We are to enter the royal capital, aim for the main gate and splitting up within to kill the knights located at each of the gate openings. These forces will be led by you, my admirable men. I put my faith in you all so I trust you are going to do your jobs properly"

"Yes sir"

"We shall do it fantastically!"

"Our nation shall be saved by us after all"

"Even if we were to kill our countrymen, it is for the future after all!"

"Alright. I shall take a small walk to contemplate my thoughts."

They all waved him a short farewell as well, morale was high and it was enough to cause panic within those who heard of their just rebellion. Irving walked by the river with his weapon of course, it was the night before his crowning as king of the new nation he was about to lay the foundations. The glorious image of the heads of the king and his family surrounding the throne as he wore the crown that was going to be his was burned in his mind. He could taste victory and all of it was in his grasp, sure it would take a long time to rebuild the nation but he would be called the hero who saved the nation from certain doom.

After walking for a while he heard the sound of a howl in the distance, it made him freeze on the spot, the hairs on his skin were all standing and he could feel fear crawling beneath it. There wasn't much in this world that would cause him to have a reaction like that and yet he did, there was something in that howl that made him feel that kind of fear. It was bestial and savage whilst having the raw unfiltered murderous joy of a demon, and to top it off demon wolves were not found in this forest that much he knew. Soon after the howl came sounds of agony filled screams, he could hear the sheer pain induced madness in their shrieking. Irving knew moments when he should run and he did not want to join whoever was being tortured by whatever was out there. Just as he turned around his eyes came into sight with a large animal, its black fur was almost shadowy emitting out some kind of flame like wisps from its body, its numerous fangs were in a cruel smirk that sought to rip him apart, its crimson filled evil eyes were like tears coming out from where its eye sockets were supposed to be. This creature was at odds with the very world itself. Its very essence screamed of the void itself. Walking towards him Irving was struck by utter fear, he could feel himself regress into being a child again. He knew nothing could stop this creature and once it opened its rows after rows of teeth filled maw it leapt at him with a sinister growl filled laughter. He closed his eyes in fear of what it was going to do to him and then......

I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin