Chapter 10: To Gain My Blessing, Fight Me/ Versus Nyarlathotep & Hastur

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Chapter 10: To Gain My Blessing, Fight Me/ Versus Nyarlathotep & Hastur

Being honest it would be tough to camp inside of the dungeon with the corpses of monsters laying around everywhere, so the troublesome task of cleaning up by means of burning the bodies with acid began. I had to say that it was fairly easy because I was a slime to begin with, the twins were playing around with Geri and Freki who were more than willing to playing with them. Their smiles made my work easier with Shen in a good mood to see me in my original form however she had a complicated grin as well, and Sev oddly surprised by how I looked.

"You are certainly irregular"

"What do you mean?"

"I have never seen a slime in this sort of color before, not to mention a slime with eyes all over its surface. Had I been an ordinary person I would have gone insane from seeing you inside of this dungeon"

"Yukiyo is a race that our race feared greatly because they were said to be the servants of gods from the stars. It makes sense given that she was blessed by an evil goddess from beyond our world"

"I do not know how to describe Lythalia-sama, she feels like an airhead at the same time a responsible person"

The first time I had transformed back into a slime so I could get rid of the corpses that would attract monsters inside the dungeon I had to take out the mirror that I had bought in the city where we had made our operations to stare at myself. I was frigging large not only that I was in a violet color which seemed to phase into a night color or a black color with glowing darker colors glowing ominously. Then came the numerous eyes that were all over my body which made me really scared of myself, I hadn't changed jobs or anything but my race had remained the same so what made me change into this eldritch slime? I forgot about it entirely as I burnt the corpses of the goblins.

"Hmm I wonder if I can do some surveillance work as well. Let's try it out"

I separated one of the eyes that was on my body and strangely enough something really odd had happened, it had floated on its own and was staring at me before turning its gaze to Sev.


『You have acquired the following skills: Remote Viewing, Dark Matter, Possession, Fear Inducing, Eyes of Darkness』

『You have acquired the following titles: 'Dark Matter Progenitor', 'Beloved of the Evil Gods', 'Mother of the Weak' 』


"Let me guess this thing just became a skill didn't it?"


I can get behind the Remote Viewing skill, but ALL THE OTHERS MAKE ME SEEM LIKE A BOSS THAT A CERTAIN PINK PUFF WILL ABSOLUTELY DESTROY!!!Dark Matter Progenitor?!What the hell is that?! DON'T MAKE ME INTO 03 I BEG OF YOU!!!I have always known that dark matter exists but please do not make it such that I am the direct creator of dark matter, the other two I can get behind with again. Geri and Freki's parents love me because I am taking care of their kids of them and raising them to be upright gods(?). Whilst I retorted internally the dark matter eye went to look at Geri and Freki as well Shiro and Kuroe.

"Mother is that you?"

"Kaa-san has become ridiculous again!"

"Ah is mama or a part of mama?"

"Good question you could say that it came from the essence that is known as mother but is complete separate from her. I find it cute though I do not know why"

Why aren't you guys scared or anything?!I wanted to scream that out but I didn't because I knew everyone was already used to my absurdity with the one at the forefront of that being Shen who merely folded her arms and watched. The eye had returned to me by the way and back into my body, this skill could be very useful if it learns the invisibility skill. Anyway the task was done and I had returned into my dark elf form wiping the sweat off of my brow(metaphorically).

I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!Where stories live. Discover now