Chapter 18: Numbering Your Days

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Chapter 18: Numbering Your Days

It became clear to her that she was being summoned by her mother that something was up, she didn't know what it was and decided to go along with the orders. It was right before she even got to get into the Knight Academy, she didn't even take her assessment test if at all. She walked with one of the royal knights meaning something big was happening as of this moment and it needed her presence there. Wynter Grimsvile was the first royal princess but she had refused her destiny and wanted to wielded the blade instead, it was her dream to protect the crown from anyone who wanted to do something to it. However she knew that her ability with the sword was somewhat unremarkable it wasn't enough for her to even protect those she loved the most, her mother and her kid sister who could barely even talk let alone walk. She had determined eyes as one would expect she had the characteristic white hair of her family but she had cut hers short and ruffled it up to make the impression that she was strong but to the ones who saw her it came off as her being a tomboy, her sharp golden eyes were symbols of pride even for her, she was rather tall and she gave off the impression of a finely muscled tomboy who would rather not get into the complexities of wielding a sword and straight up punch and kick her enemies. She carried herself with the pride of a knight however which was why she wanted to hear what her mother had to say, she was really tense and her eyes which were sharp and menacing became even more hostile to others who didn't know what she looked like, her wolf ears perked up to every sound that was surrounding her.

"Your Majesty, I your daughter Wynter Grimsvile has arrived."

"You may enter"

Wynter opened the doors before the knights did and they all seemed to step backwards as if in response to something. She didn't know what it was but there was something different about her mother, she noticed the dragonkin sitting on a table made out of ice whilst playing a game that involved a board she didn't know about, playing at the corner with the furnished heavy weapons of this room were twins who were laughing as they swung at each other, the recognizable and very well known Sage was there talking to her mother the Queen. This was very strange indeed, these were all strange individuals and all of them including the children were stronger than her. Her instincts spoke louder than her brain. She walked forward without fear and it was certain that her heart would be strong where her body wasn't.

"Your Majesty"

She went on one knee in front of her mother, her head bowed waiting for an answer.

"C'mon Wynter you do not have to force yourself to speak like that"

"How can I speak towards Your Majesty in a casual way?!"

"I am your mother first before being your queen"


"I came to talk about your condition as a knight"

"Is it my lack of swordsmanship skill?"

"Much more than that"


"Would you like to become the knight for our Gods?"

"What do you mean, Mother?"

"It is as I say, our gods are finally here and are freeing our people as we speak they should be arriving anytime now"

"The tear is about to open"


Suddenly what appears to be a finely sliced cut in the room appeared and with it came a multicolored space that confused Wynter for a moment. She stared at the space for longer than she expected, suddenly two Fenrirs popped out of the space. She felt the need to bow to them without a doubt and knew that these were the gods that her mother was talking about. But her bestial instincts hit overdrive upon setting sights on the dark elf who had entered through it and closed the tear. She ignored her two gods and abandoned her sword sending her fist towards her way, she obviously dodged her attack but then she had another attack under sleeve that was to kick her gut. She didn't know why she was doing this but she did it anyway, her instincts prompted her to attack even though she didn't want to. She wanted to use her sword but that was discarded immediately when she ran towards her. The kick was blocked too, she leapt into the air about to drop-kick her into oblivion but her leg was caught by the dark elf who smiled at her. Wynter was thrown to the ground and bounced on the ground for a moment before standing up again and racing towards her with sharpened claws, she had abandoned the honor of being a knight and become a feral beast for that moment running on all fours even. Her fangs grew longer, fur appeared all over her body and her body size doubled to that of the Fenrirs in the room she had transformed by some reason. She attacked her with her fangs and claws immediately but the dark elf was blocking all of her attacks which frustrated her even more. The dark elf grabs her and sends something black into her chest she begins to calm her down a bit. She fell down to the ground growling as her body shrunk down in size and the fur receded she was becoming normal once more. She was exhausted for some reason and stared the dark elf who was legions ahead of her in terms of strength.

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