Chapter 24: Hell's Nocturne of Doom/ Der Sündenfall

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Chapter 24: Hell's Nocturne of Doom/ Der Sündenfall

The kingdom of the elves, Gainevia was in peace. It was a rather isolationist nation and rarely interacted with any other nation excluding its neighbors who were the dark elves whom the elven folk ignored and didn't want to hear a single breath of their words. Following right after the dark elves were the humans next door whom they unfortunately also had a long history with. The only things they had in common with the dark elven kingdom was they were both ruled by a matriarchal ruler, they also had elderly councils which they listened to with reverence, and the fact they both didn't contact anyone from outside their nation. But other than just those things they had a very different culture and it could be very well thought they wouldn't interact well with each other, if one had to accurately describe the two nations it would be two sisters who haven't talked in a very long time and neither were willing to start up a conversation with the other.

Queen Amaryl Gainevia knew this as well, there has been many opportunities to talk with the dark elves for a very long time but both of their elderly councils forbade them from making contact with other nations no less than their direct sister nation. Queen Amaryl personally knew the previous dark elven queen, Queen Halka because fate had allowed them to meet each other on their journeys of strength. The conversations they had when they adventured together were still in her heart, even now as she stared at the mirror and was getting ready to sit on the throne that was rightfully hers she wanted to see both the elves and the dark elves talk and cooperate into a better future but alas there was never an opportunity. The beauty of Amaryl Gainevia was one to behold, she had lime green hair which was previously short but now had grown out to reach her waist, her electric blue eyes complimented her beauty and that was passed down to her children as well, she wore a nature themed gown with flowers inside of it. This was the queen of the elves, Amaryl Gainevia.

Today was going to be a very unpleasant meeting with one of the representatives of the Xagreas Kingdom, normally they wouldn't visit the royal palace unless it was something very important. Last summer the prince visited and hadn't talked about it ever since which gave her a bad feeling about all of this, she walked with her daughter Crinae who was also her fifth born child. The little girl had inherited her mother's outstanding looks as well, she was the premature version of herself and she loved her with all of her heart. Smiling at her Amaryl entered the throne room where the representative was, he was a rather short man with a balding head and an appearance that could be akin to a pig's. Beady untrustworthy eyes, a long nose with a disgusting mustache that didn't fit his face and overall clothes that seemed like they would burst at any moment in time. Why did they choose a swine like him of all people?Amaryl questioned herself in her heart and kept quiet about it.

"It is a pleasure to meet with you Your Majesty"

"Likewise I would like to ask you to not beat about the bush and immediately say what you came here for"

"As you wish. Ahem. I am the representative of his royal highness Prince Heinrich Xagreas and the following are his words"

The prince of the Xagreas Kingdom was within a word to Amaryl: Disgusting. She knew that he conducted the trade of kidnapping and auctioning the elves to enjoy either as slave prostitutes or nobility toys whom allowed him to rise to power above his older brother whom committed suicide after his faction abandoned him. An overweight man who prided himself in his connections, short muddy brown hair, repulsive green eyes and a face that was worse than the man she was staring at, whatever words he had to say wasn't going to be good news whatsoever.

"The first and fifth princesses are expected to marry Prince Heinrich Xagreas in the following 5 days, you do not have a choice in the matter that is his wish and his wish is the Xagreas Kingdom's will."

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