Side Chapter 7: The Tournament Part 2

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Side Chapter 7: The Tournament Part 2: Nature's Avatar Vs Machine Girl

It was free to assume that the principal of this Academy City knew what he was doing, his actions were very clear and there was no doubt in their interpretation. The principal despite being a human himself didn't wish for the Age of Mankind to continue, he wished for it to end and die. The outcasts whom the nation representatives had kept a close eye were of no use to them but it seemed that this was a mistake on their part, Toshiro seemed to be stronger than the hero himself and by Tadashi's words he could summon even a god. Moreover was the fact that the public perception of the S Class was wounded, their very best was humiliated in front of everyone in the worst possible way. The principal's champion had defeated Tadashi and that was sending out waves throughout the entire arena, Toshiro's name was on every students' lips even as Tadashi was being lifted out of the arena they were still speaking about how awesome he looked.

Once again the arena was filled with silence as the next Hero had entered the stage, they could not disrespect her because her importance made it such that fear would be sowed in their hearts of the things she could potentially do to them. Her name was Sakamoto Hatsuko, the hero who had taken the appearance of a high elf. She had a halo above her head and a pair of wings on her waist which covering it, her clothes were sewn with the material that came from a Great Treant's leaves giving them a natural green hue. From the dress that reached her thighs to the very lightcrystal heels that she wore everything had come from nature itself. She was very well composed and served to advocate the teachings of the Goddess of Nature, Tanis and the God of Law and Order, Zeolus. She was going to be appointed archbishop whether she won or not, certainly a being that would aid many of the natures who worshipped those particular religions. This was the church's trump card, this could show by how little she carried out her own thought and spoke very little. Her once brown hair had become blonde, the color of her eyes were of the deepest of blue reminding people of either the sky on a hot summer day or the sea when in its calmest moments, her face was expressionless and only stood to watch the opponent who was to challenge her.

"Despite being a hero, he was still impure in the end thus he lost to an outcast. I declare I shall become victorious in place of Lord Matsuoji, by the Great Goddess of Nature Tanis and the Great God of Law and Order, Zeolus I will bring glory to their names. All of you inferior beings need not to worry, I who has been blessed by the gods shall show unto you true power"

She constructed a chair made out of sinew like vines sitting on it with her hand on her cheek, everyone had known her as being emotionless from the time she came here but now she was showing levels of it as if something had entered her. A fan of flowers was created in the chair that she begins to use on herself. Hatsuko seemed like a queen within that chair that began to decorate itself with animals and rare flowers the more time passed, the church of course knew about this change. This was the personality of the Goddess of Nature Tanis descending down unto her, this was the reason why people did not want to disrespect her in any way because she was housing a goddess within her body. It was a vessel that was fit enough for her to inhabit, hence a total erasure of Hatsuko's original personality. Tanis was intrigued by the sudden power that Toshiro exhibited and even more entertained by the fact he had brought a foreign god to their world, her siblings were planning to do something with the souls that were going to be lost in the ensuing war between the new demon king and the heroes but something was happening that only she started noticing. To be at the forefront of this change she wanted to witness what it was first, if it was as entertaining as she thought it to be then she would make a very drastic decision. Her boredom would finally end and she would live life on the edge once more.

Contrary to popular belief she wasn't calm and composed as people believed her to be, she wasn't motherly either. Tanis was rather very feisty and was often excited by the unknown, of course she didn't want to fight the unknown to the death but rather try to see what it was to see what it was all about, the randomness and unexpected nature of it was what could have made her an evil god if she followed the evil gods of this world whom she vanquished with her siblings. Zeolus watched her moves closely at that time making her silently laugh, she shut her eyes as she thought of the boring times that the heroes were sent to defeat the demon king but this time something was different. There was another force involved entirely, her train of thoughts stopped as something crashed into the stage after flying into it.

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