Intermission 3: The Spy's Nightmare In The Forest

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Intermission 3: The Spy's Nightmare In The Forest

Shade had sensed it in his gut that he shouldn't have come here, it would have been better if he followed his gut and follow them into the forest. But then when he began to observe them with his skills he felt like he was being observed back, it was at that moment he decided to move quickly because he didn't want to meet the same fate that those nobles and the royal court mage faced when they dealt with this dark elf. It was that simple, he ran away. He rests up the back of a tree some distance away from them.

"Almost got caught, I do not know what sort of skills that dark elf is using but they must be not good.......I should trust my gut more instead of my logic"

He felt a sudden chill from his spine as he immediately moved out of the way as the tree was cut into half and shattered into splinters, his eyes widen in shock at the sword mastery but what makes his soul fall deep into despair is the fact that the thing that did this is not even human. The shadows had gathered up in one place and formed a humanoid shape carrying a black sword made out of the darkness itself, its hair flickered like flames, it's cape moved about like the shadows in the sunlight but one could tell its figure was undoubtedly female. It pointed its sword at him before a distinctly silver visor appeared over where its eyes were supposed to be. Using his reflexes he dodged the first slashes which had a similar result to the trees, this thing was serious was this another skill?If so then it would be dangerous to even consider how long he would have to fight for, he lunges at it with his daggers in his hands.


It got torn apart by the slashes he did to his body and was going to gain a lot of experience from this encounter however reality was not as kind to him. It immediately reformed its body using the nearby shadows, the visor began to glow crimson as a single eye stared back at him and with that accompanied by a cold toned voice that held no emotion.

"Shadow Weaving"

A mass of shadows began to attack him relentlessly with similar swords making him jump infinitely backwards before he stops and leaps out of their way. He then sees the shadow clad figure go into a pose as it sheaths its sword in a scabbard. Knowing what it is to come he tries to run away but then he gets caught in its attack. The sound of a bell dropping is heard as the world pauses for a moment to be in awe of the brightly colored slashes are in the air. Shade's arm is caught in the middle of that attack as it sheathes its sword once more with the surroundings breaking into pieces, his arm is shredded into fleshy ribbons as he watches with the blood pouring out beautiful arcs that almost makes him admire it however the sharpening pain kicks him back into reality. He screams as this happens, fear is inside of his eyes, when will she run out mana already?How is this even a skill?The skill formed a mouth which had light escaping from it, the slime like mouth formed a disgusting grin that looked down on him as an assassin and information gatherer.


He had to escape immediately, this thing would not kill him immediately instead it would toy with him until it was bored. He ran away from the monster grabbing his other dagger quickly as he could, he heals himself with potions and magic whilst running in the forest.


Another chill rises from his back as he does stare back and what he sees is worthy to keep a man like him awake for a very long time. A mass of evil is rapidly gaining speed on him, with the monster sitting comfortably on its head the embodiment of evil rushes at him with a ear splitting roar. This hulking mass of evil is covered in jet black tar like slime, crimson red eyes and razor sharp teeth above all are the floating eyes that are following right ahead of it which are all slicing and dicing the forest as they do so. This is enough to evoke pure unbridled fear inside of a man and just like that he screams at the top of his voice whilst running away.

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