Chapter 12: Please Do Not Forget Your Common Sense Like Me

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Chapter 12: Please Do Not Forget Your Common Sense Like Me

"The goal was 100 goblins to get used to killing a living thing and elevating to the next level of training killing 200 kobolds after that 300 orcs and 100 goblins together. So hurry up otherwise I will enter the fray myself!"

This was said by Yukiyo using the Dark Matter eyes that were watching the separated group of teenagers, roughly put they were in constant danger of losing their lives to either one of these things but somehow be it luck or the divine protections of the evil gods they were managing to avoid death each and every time. Chloe didn't want to be involved in the training at first but had seen the kind of world they were in and had to follow through it anyway. In some form of hesitation she had wanted to snipe the goblins from a good distance away whilst gaining experience however when she first head shot the goblin approaching her she was struck by an insatiable lust to kill the monsters that were in front of her, she kept on shooting at them with her eyes glowing as she was going from a stoic sniper to a bloodthirsty gunslinging maiden of war.

"Uwah and to think that Chloe would turn into that from just receiving her first experience points. Not saying that I am much better"

Ryou was slashing the incoming hordes of goblins who kept on running towards them, they weren't showing signs of stopping. Whenever a goblin got too close to Chloe she would instantly one shot it with an impact that would kill the other goblins with the blast radius, it was their task and they didn't want to die from being killed by goblins.

"Ryou-chan, Chloe-chan switch out!"

The two leapt backwards allowing Minami and Masayuki to enter the battle as well, this was in Yukiyo's terms known as the switch out training strategy. A pair would defeat the required 50, with each individual killing about 25 of each enemy type. The pair who had been killing kobolds and orcs were now teleported to the locations where Masayuki and Minami were, as of now they had succeeded in managing to kill some humanoid monsters without flinching. If one kept on killing then it would become normal to them when the time came to kill actual humans. Minami dances around the slow goblins slashing their necks open, making sure she doesn't get covered in blood with Masayuki supporting her from behind whilst firing different types of magic: ice, fire, lightning, and wind he had taken a harsh quick guide to gaining low tier elemental spells the rest was up to him to create.

"And to think Minami-chan would be so elegant in the way she kills, that shy girl is actually the warrior of the party. How ridiculous."

"Mochizuki-kun now is not the time to be reflecting on what I am, we should focus on meeting the end goal of 100 goblins here as well"

"Hey its not like she is actually seeing......actually never mind one of those eye things is right above me isn't it?"

Masayuki shut up as soon as he felt the gaze of the Dark Matter eyes and started to move forward as she shot more elemental based arrows and bullets.

"I am going experimental here so watch Minami-tan!"

"I am finished with my 25 goblins!"

"Righto!Let's go, Shake the world with your roar: Dragon's Light of Tyranny!"

Immediately sensing that this would do more than electrocute her Minami leapt backwards before making a dive right behind Masayuki as a thunderbolt that turned itself into a dragon struck all of the remaining goblins creating a big crater in the ground as a result. The training they were doing with Yukiyo was effective to an amazing degree if one was to be trained by a highly leveled person in this world their stats would increase depending on how much influence that person has over them. This was the reason why the heroes were being trained by experienced veterans and other heroes however as one would remark the training Yukiyo had made them go through was absolutely abnormal. It was irregular, it was supposed to be a trip for them to go to Shen's sister in the high mountains. Something that they could have finished in a couple of days but with these complications those plans had to be stalled.

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