Chapter 33: When The Abyss Opens Its Eyes

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Chapter 33: When The Abyss Opens Its Eyes

Six hours before the royal capital would fall into utter chaos. Six hours for preparation. Six hours for escaping. Six hours to board up your windows and doors and hide yourself within the secret panic room if you had one. Six hours to pray that some god out there would help you. Up until this point the Magic Kingdom of Zenovia had everything planned out for if an invasion would occur, for any and every race that would try to breach their borders however the threat of the undead who shrugged off their defenses became a reality as their walls came crumbling away, soldiers slaughtered, villages and cities burned. The Magic Kingdom that stood for over a thousand years was going to fall, no one wanted to admit that the first invasion in the history of their country was going to be the one that would go down in the history books as the one that destroyed them.

Those who would escape would carry on the tales of this nation, they would show off its technology and lament its fall. Should those brave enough ever think to come to this fallen kingdom they would try to recover what was lost within this nation. No one wanted to admit that this was how it was going to end and yet that was the feeling and emotion etched itself into their hearts, the adventurers long escaped after shuffling their funds to other branches of the Adventurer's Guild. The lucky civilians in their thousands chose to follow them whilst those who took pride in their city and its history chose to stay. After the evacuation of the royal capital only knights, nobles and those unfortunate enough to be left behind remained. A somber presence loomed over the royal capital, it showed its hand on the faces of those who would watch the marching armies of the dead. The soldiers and knights stationed at the towers would see almost endless numbers of the monsters that stood at their doors.

Death had come to the door and there was nothing they could do about it, the four sisters stationed at the gates would try to help them out as a last effort for their promise to this nation. They had a sliver of hope that they could defend their home if they did not, only despair awaited them.

"They look so scared"

"I mean their royal capital is about to be destroyed by a monster horde, I would be scared too"


"When's the signal going to come?"

"It should be soon"

"Soon is not near enough"

The five sisters communicated with devices that Yukiyo had created, they were in the shape and form of regular ear rings. It wasn't a surprise that she was the one who made these and it made communication even better.

"This is going to be one hell of a surprise party"

Seratta gave a vicious smile as she watched the eyes staring at her with hope, she tapped her sword on her shoulder as Clyne twirled her cane in excitement.

"I can't wait to see the look on their faces"

"Despair is best served with many. You can quote me on that"

Hortus sharpened her daggers in full preparation for that moment whilst Rosa and Euphobia stood with their arms crossed.

"A lesson in team work my dear sisters we are going to crush the gates all at the same time. Clyne please activate the mass teleportation magic for us when the signal is up in the sky"

"Sure thing ~ ☆"

"Ah there it is"

The soldiers and knights all shouted out in surprise as the signal was fired into the air it exploded into a myriad of colors followed by a great crash that shook them to nearly falling down. At that moment their faces were dyed in pure despair as they stood in front of shattered gates in place of their five protectors were monsters, the creatures were just a short distance away from them. Their preparations had gone to the wind as they collectively understood that they've been betrayed, with overwhelming them a unified roar enveloped them as the army of the dead stormed through their broken gates. Blood and bone were sent flying as the inevitable clash between the two armies, one thing was becoming common within this battle for survival was the screaming of the soldiers and knights as they faced their worst fears head on.

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