Special Side Chapter 3: Breaking Common Sense Is My Nature

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Special Side Chapter 3: Breaking Common Sense Is My Nature

One thing needed to be said about the home of the Dark Elven Queen of Sinoharl, it seemed impenetrable at a glance and that seemed to be the case with all of their simulations. Doing things in the normal way was nigh impossible, it didn't help that things were going to be tougher from this point on. The group had to enter through the unusual way of making a map of the massive sewage system that the city had, and using that as a way to enter the royal palace without being noticed by the numerous surveillance golems stationed in the sewage system.

"I never thought security would be that intense that even breaking through headfirst would spell certain death for us."

"She's well prepared...........to an absurd degree"

W says with a tired voice, normally this would be a cake walk since people from this side always had a hole somewhere. Be it a person who had a grudge or a gap in their defenses that they can take advantage of, they always had a flaw somewhere but in this case all of them had to use their resources to punch an opening to enter the royal palace. M opens the entrance into the royal palace, he jumps through with a smile under his mask.

"Phew we're in, though to be honest I never expected a steam room inside of a world like this"

"Me neither. This nation is miles better than the Empire. Wanna become traitors?"

"And get my head served up to the Emperor by your dirty hand? Fuck no! Hahahahaha!"

"I am just kidding hahahahahaha!

It was incredible how quietly M and Z laughed despite how seemingly loud it was. The girls and W got in last and began to make their assessment of where to go next. They took out the map they drew of the royal palace using the tools granted to them by the angels of the gods they served. These tools were specifically spirits who roamed into the palace and gave a layout of how things went.

"We want to head here. But before that we need to take care of the thing which is here."

"So the spirits couldn't tell what it was?"


W had pointed out their objective, the question V had was the thing that plagued him the most. They knew mostly where everything was. Somethings kept within this palace were of significant importance to their leaders. A race simply known as the Neo Elves working diligently to become stronger, an entire factory of automatons being assembled for war, advanced swords that could transform into guns at will. These were but a tip of the iceberg of the things that were being done here. The Empire was done for if the Elven Federation went to war with them. It was fair enough to say that they didn't have a leg in the arms race that the elves and their allies had begun on their own.

"Whatever it is, we have no choice but to find out don't we?"

"And what if we do assassinate the dark elven queen and it is just a decoy"

"Then our intel will be enough for preparation though it will not be enough"

"For T to speak up at a time like this means shit really hit the fan didn't it?"


Z commented as T becomes silent once more, V had been observing throughout this time whilst having inner battles of self doubt and hesitation at the fact they might lose their lives here. The situation was a perfect 10% survival rate scenario, yet they had a duty to complete and were willing to even escape with just information if that was the one thing that they could do. The palace's silence was foreboding and lethal, even the footsteps of the guards here were muffled. One could hear a pin drop in the literal sense now, as not even the robust noise from the outside penetrated the walls of the royal palace. In groups of two-two-one consisted of V and W, T, and Z they silently ran across the hallways avoiding detection from the elven knights who were equipped with what appeared to be an automatic crossbow that could reload itself as well as those with actual rifles.

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