Side Chapter 9: All of the weapons in the world

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Side Chapter 9: All of the weapons in the world cannot stand the fire power of a gun

It was a simple case really. What was strength to those who struggled from the bottom and came out shining gloriously at the top?Was it a certain joy?Or was a weapon they could utilize against their foes and use it for their benefit. In the face of true strength not even the alluring power of money nor the authority of the crown could do anything to it. It was like trying to reason with a natural disaster at the point, that is why things like dragons and evil gods were greatly feared because of their power. And such a display of destructive power was being shown to them all, in all of its eminence they could see how little they were in front of it. Teacher and student had become the same within the arena, all were studying thanks to this level of dominance that the Principal's demons were allowing them to see.

It was going as according to plan, initially Calthius wanted to crush the hopes and dreams of the representatives who came here to use the children who did not know a single thing about war, arrogant yes but still growing as people. If they were to take damage to their pride they would be better people, they would cease their childish desires and strive to become something more. But the depths of their power had shocked even him, summoning gods, subduing gods, beating a high leveled hero who could subconsciously manipulate people into his bidding to a living pulp were things even he didn't expect. Just who was the teacher of these children?What kind of being were they?What kind of training did they go through?And judging from what Toshiro had said, he met death so many times he was a resident in its domain. Just what had he have to go through in order to become a resident of death's cold grasp. He was not sure whether this would end up traumatizing the young heroes or encourage them to become even stronger.

The age of man was certainly going to end but it was much more fun to watch the struggle for it. He stared at the scared faces of the representatives who sat all around in the VIP areas of the arena. He could tell their very spirits shaking from the sheer despair they were imagining, it was justified too. He smiled confidently as that was the reaction he wanted to see from those proud fools who looked down upon every other race. His eyes gazed on the next runner-up who had entered the stage, he was silent and did not talk much unlike all the others before him. The boy's name was Fukuzawa Akira, he was a loudmouth during his first days but after several assignments that he was sent to by the family that took him in he became a man of little words. He was almost like another person entirely, Akira was dressed in mostly black armor that emphasized the ease of movement. His hair which was initially a bright shade of orange had been changed to follow suit his outfit. His eyes were filled with silent ambition sitting down at the center of the stage as he waited for the next student who he hid from the rest of the school.

It was obvious to Calthius what had been done to the lad. According to the information that he had received about the Cornelia Empire, they had lost several very important families that the empire used for covert activities with the backup plan for this being the branch families taking up the space and putting the heroes as the new family heads. In doing so Akira was chosen and forced to undergo harsh training as well as torture if he refused to comply with the branch family's orders. If he failed a mock mission then he would be tortured, if he failed to be a leader he would be punished for it. It was easy to say that he was introduced to the dark underbelly of this world at such a young age hence he had to become an adult quickly. Such was common in assassin families used by the government, he could wait even in the rain for this opponent and not worry about becoming sick because of the nature of his training. His abilities were mostly kept classified but that did not stop him from knowing what they were. The next student was arriving soon and even Akira noticed this as well.

Whoever that person was they had an incredible amount of killing lust, it was leaking out of them unnaturally. He immediately threw a knife towards the roof of the arena but a loud yet very familiar crack could be heard from the same area. The knife was knocked out of the way and instead landed in the wall a fair distance away from him.

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