Special Side Chapter 1: Chaos

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Special Side Chapter 1: Chaos

"As such I am going to give you a name"

These words were similar to the singular phrase of "Let There Be Light". It created life for a race that lived between the dimensions and in search for a master who couldn't be corrupted by their power. An impossible dream that they spent aeons trying to achieve and failing, and yet she made it possible. She was their god and they were her servants. They could have chosen to lend their power to the Elder and Outer Gods yet chose not to because they would be poorly utilized by beings who knew what power felt like. When She was angry they felt the rage of her wrath, when she was sad they felt the deep sorrow of her despair and when she was happy they felt the warmth of her smile. These were things that the Dark Matter never thought they would experience and yet they did.

Originally before Yukiyo came into the picture the Dark Matter were a hive mind, they shared memories and thoughts together. It could be said they were cold and calculating but that fateful day they found a being they could lend their power to, at that moment they knew they found what they had been looking for. Their God gave them a home to live, she cared about them enough to give them names, they wanted them to be the best that they could be. Muramasa was the first to display the aspect of uniqueness, she was also the first to have a range of thoughts, an imagination that danced free in her mind and the ability to use her innate skills to the fullest. Muramasa felt like she didn't deserve the title of Dark Matter Empress but her duty compelled her to move forward in this unknown universe of theirs.

"Our master is somewhat of an irregularity. I can say this much, she is one of a kind. I am sure that there is one like her out there but I am satisfied knowing that she accepted us and gave us purpose and a home to live in"

Muramasa speaks up with a satisfied tone, she takes in a deep breath and smiles. Her closed eyes and pleased face showed she was truly happy. The sounds she was hearing was truly satisfying to indulge in.

"I am sure you do not understand"

She spoke with her eyes still closed, the smell of burnt flesh and sounds of the screams of those who opposed her made her truly delighted. Muramasa opens her eyes and sees the flames of war burning right before her, this universe was not under her control. She had to take it by force and prove to her Master that she was worthy of the title Dark Matter Empress, one planet, two planets, an entire system, a galaxy, several galaxies, all of it would be in the iron grip of her hands. Beatrice stood beside her and watched it all unfold with cold uncaring eyes, she wore bloody Japanese fashioned armor carrying twin black short swords that dripped the red blood of her enemies.

"Are you going to stop fooling around and start fighting already Muramasa?"

"Can't you see I am enjoying the view Trish?This is like fine sake"

"You haven't consumed that yet"

"Don't mind the small stuff Trish. Anyway back to you"

She directed her gaze at the one she was speaking to, the form was similar to an orc however he was not the pig like orcs that Yukiyo was used to in the outside world, he was similar to the green skinned apes in western fantasies. She waged war against these unintelligent creatures whose sole duty was to copulate and cover the planet with their vile children.


"You will never defeat me with your measly strength"

The orc leader ran towards her with his hulking body, he was pretty nimble when charging at her like that making Muramasa kick off the ground as she sprinted towards her. The beast within her laughed as she received his attack with her katana and pushed him back before he could do much. Panicked orders from his flying ass to rush towards her, much like her creator Yukiyo she grinned intensely as she saw their numbers go up even more.

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