Chapter 25: A Pitiful Resistance/ Das Schreien der Heiligen

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Chapter 25: A Pitiful Resistance/ Das Schreien der Heiligen

The words on the documents that the Dark Elven Queen's servants brought were confusing to Rosa, as one who would one day rule in her mother's place she was struggling to understand what any of this meant. Excluding Crinae who was the youngest amongst the five of them she had called upon her other four sisters who would help her understand the things which were written here. She put the document down and began to think back to the throne room, at that moment she had wallowed in self pity and despair. It wasn't uncommon for anyone in either of their positions to react like that however when the Dark Elven Queen, Yukiyo Sinoharl had made her way to the room itself she felt like they had met with an irregular being of unfathomable darkness. One could say she couldn't say anything because they were entranced by both fear and awe of how such a being could exist in this world, only after when her mother accepted her hand and agreed to begin their cooperation as nations that never did such from their very birth did Rosa start to see that something abnormal had just occurred.

"Excluding today we have four days before the wedding can take place, what good can the dark elves do for us?Was it a really good decision to take the hand of evil incarnate like that?Mother I wish to ask you this."

She uttered out in the empty room with only her thoughts being the answer to her questions. But they had been saved by someone rather incredible, had her mother not accepted her offer the future of the elves would always be in the hands of the humans. They would be able to toy with them whenever they pleased because they had defiled the one whose at the top, the sacred royal family's women. This was the ultimate disrespect and for that she wanted to see them suffer for insulting them to such an extent. The door opens and her other sisters enter the room, given the urgency of the matter they were all serious and were wearing faces that showed concerned for both her and Crinae's situation.

"I heard the news from the servants and was about to fall in despair over my powerlessness that I could not help you in your hour of need. How are you faring?"

The second born, Clyne sat down first before the others, right next to Rosa to be exact. She caressed her hand in a loving way and stared at her with eyes that were about to shed tears, Clyne had the red hair of her father and his strong and powerful green eyes. She wore magical glasses that aided her in daily life, at heart Clyne was a researcher and her life's work was to aid the kingdom in the best possible way. Her clothing reflected this as well as she wore a black and green magical robe that would enhance her magical attack and defense, She wanted to become the court magician once her mother stepped down from being queen.

"Thank you Clyne"

"The bastards, just what the fuck were they thinking?!Do they wish to be slaughtered by us?!"

"I do not think so, please calm down Seratta."

"You think I can just fucking lay down as some human swine strolls into the palace and demand that he wants our eldest sister and youngest sister as his pleasure tools?!Well you have another thing comin' to ya then!I am going to absolutely splatter his nut sack all over the ground and show him who's boss around here!"

"Please calm down Seratta, we have much to talk about. I and Crinae are not going to meet that fate any time soon."

Seratta, the one who had been shouting violently just now was the fourth born out of the five and the one who spoke before her was Hortus calming her down so they could talk more in a civil and understanding way. Seratta was more rough mannered than the rest, it could be said that she carried the violent traits of her warrior father who died in battle. She had scars all over her body particularly her arms and her exposed finely built abdomen, some were healing and some remained as trophies of battle. Her dark blue hair was tied into a short ponytail, as her similarly colored eyes stared in frustration as she sat down in silence. The metal noises of her armor soon accompanying the action of her sitting down.

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