Chapter 26: Like An Infection

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Chapter 26: Like An Infection/ Elfenschwert des Verderbens, Todesbringer

Sweet memories of days gone started to play as if prompted to by the very mind itself, the almost dreamy landscape of faraway mountains with forests that held many creatures that made one want to wander within this land forever. A gentle smile could be seen through a child's eyes, the warm embrace of a mother and her love made this lovely scene come together. The fairies laughed and sang in the air, dancing as they played together. This was pure happiness, but that joy just like all things in this world was short lived. The mountains erupted in anger as they turned into vengeful volcanos, the forests burning letting out sounds as if they were screaming, the blood of the animals flowing like a river. Soon the mother was taken away never to be seen again, with the faces of strangers replacing her. Their evil sneers and devil like eyes shining in delight as their hands reached out to grab her, she was soon in chains as they had many tools of torture they wanted to use on her. Before any could touch her skin she screamed herself into the waking world.

She felt like she was a stranger in her own body, it was a body that was convinced through magic and mental manipulation alone that it was male. And now that had been undone she felt weird, her looked at her hands, they were small and fragile. And yet they carried the weighty suffering of a warrior, her bruises from training still remained. The confusion was what tore at her very soul, the blankets that she had found herself in were very soft and for the brief moment she had been on it the pillow even softer carrying a scented flower's aroma to it. A sharp pain ran across her head with her immediately using her left hand to touch her forehead, she had to convince herself that she was human, she had to be. Otherwise the horrifying truth of her betrayal to her own kind would send her plummeting down the great highway of hell. This was far more terrifying than facing off a thousand blood thirsty demons because there was an absolute truth to it that she couldn't escape from, and as such hell was waiting for her at the end.

Those she trusted the most, her most prided comrades were dead. Her guide in the darkness, Luke was riddled with holes in his body. Her dawning laughter that cast away the shadows, Matthews had his body skewered by knives and daggers. Her wisdom filled beacon of light, Wilson had a massive hole torn right through his chest. These were the people she trusted with her life and yet within moments they had died, she was powerless to stop the strength of one leagues ahead of her. There was only one thing to remember them by, one thing she could at least keep for her memories she had with them not go to waste, the loss of her right arm. However she knew very well that as soon as she looked at her hands, her right arm would be there was as well. And now questions she never asked herself started to latch themselves at her, what was her past?What was going to be her future?Who was she?Where did she come from?And most importantly was her destiny of being one who would bring the warm of the light of her faith all just a lie?How would she carry on from now?

Her very being was interrogated by the harsh truth, slowly getting out of bed with an unsteady trod she walked towards the only mirror which was within the room. She hadn't paid any attention to the room before she noticed how well furnished it was, it exceeded even her own bedroom in her father's home. The walls were a light pink of the rosy kind, the furniture was made from a superior kind of wood, the curtains seemed to paint this room in an almost watercolor blue color. The mirror revealed to her that she couldn't lie to herself: she was truly a woman. The mirror displayed a lady in her early twenties, fairly on the averagely tall side, hands and arms covered in scars, her ruffled long blonde hair reflecting a certain level of madness peaking out of that was the most important thing that denied her of her delusions: those sharp knife elven ears, pain filled deep sea blue eyes with eye bags beneath them, one might ask what her clothing was: a dress?A gown?Those would be the correct answers for the situation however this was where the answers were wrong: a t-shirt and shorts. Something that emphasized the ease of movement, all this did was show clearly how much of a woman she was. Any man would drool over her because of how "sexy" she was, she was attractive that much she could tell and yet she did not want to acknowledge it instead opting to get out of this room where the horrible truth would continue to haunt her.

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