Chapter 31: Despair Is The Finest Art

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Chapter 31: Despair Is The Finest Art / Chaotisches Gemetzel

The invasion of the commerce and agricultural regions had started and now it was up to the The Three Swords of the Royal Capital as well a couple of the members of the Wings of Freedom. The Three Swords would serve as the defense whilst the Wings of Freedom would be reconnaissance, to tell the royal armies what they should expect and what kinds of technology they should use against the undead. If one were to ask why were they issued this task instead of being a part of the offensive task force then the answer would be as foolish as we want to have at least one trump card that we keep to ourselves, a weapon we will show our enemies and make sure they never invade us again. These were the exact words of the king, it made it all the while obvious that he wanted The Wings of Freedom to be the face of heroism so he could make them into nobility.

The start of the day was somewhat painful as they had to meet up with the Three Swords early in the morning, Yukiyo wasn't a morning person as one would know. The entire group got ready and headed to the Royal Palace where each of them would be teleported to the city which was in the most danger from the undead invasion. Yukiyo and Rosa were sent off with Lionel and his Dragon Claw, Euphobia and Seratta were with Johan and Larson respectively. The only ones left were Clyne and Hortus who were studying the inner workings of the royal capital's technology and its infrastructure to better know how to invade them when the time came. Yukiyo wanted to sigh but she couldn't, Lionel was ogling her and licking her body up in an unpleasant way. It was a good thing she was accompanied by Rosa otherwise she would have killed them all right at that moment.

"Say Okio, how did you get into this profession anyway?"

"Oh yeah same question to Lisa too!"

Their current location was the city of Belvirast, a commercial city that was the pride and joy of its region. Business had to stop because of the invasion and stores had to close up as soon as soldiers and adventurers came in. Lionel and his vice leader Troy asked the same question because they had an interest in these two in particular, how Toby met with Rosa was the same with the others after they were told what was going to be happening and he fell in love with her. It wasn't an exaggeration that he had dreams of starting a family after budding their love in the heat of war and the like. Rosa felt disgusted by such a man and it was very clear from the start she wanted nothing to do with him, but he pestered her anyway. Talked to her when she was alone, followed her around as she was patrolling and so much more. Their operation would begin as soon as a small group of undead numbering five hundred popped up in the field before them around noon, five hundred may be a small number compared to when she used a thousand to destroy cities but that was the number Hortus chose to make the adventurers proud of their abilities before they got caught up in their unique traps.

"Most of us are orphans and so we chose this job because we wanted to see the world for what it is, outside of the scope of the orphanage. And that's it for us"

"Okio summed it up pretty well, that's how it is for all of us despite having different dreams and aspirations."

The pair were already crying tears from just hearing the story they crafted beforehand so no one could ask any further than this. It seemed to have worked excellently. Sympathy is by far the strongest weapon when you have nothing else, except for murder and arson of course but those could be left at the door. Yukiyo looked forwards as the time was moving by slowly.

"We'll go back to adventuring after this situation is done"

"But Okio! This place isn't that bad!"

"Maybe, but I like freedom y'know?"

That was the truth even before all of this, she loved freedom and thus smiled as she knew very well that freedom meant she was going to go to war against this world. Rosa looked at Yukiyo for a moment and seemingly reached a conclusion of what her actual thoughts were and stared at her with an inspired gaze. To those who didn't know anything it was simple to say that she was mesmerizing Yukiyo walked forwards silently with Rosa following right behind her.

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