Special Side Chapter 2: Strength

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Special Side Chapter 2: Strength

The strongest of dragons gathered around in the skies, they could feel a foreboding pressure on their very souls. It could be described as extremely hostile and very intimidating, whatever was coming towards them was an opponent they couldn't face head on with one on one tactics they had to work together to defeat this incoming foe even if it meant that their lives were going to be extinguished from this world. It was safe to say that they were on their guard, but what they expected did not come in the form of a dragon. It was a single humanoid figure walking slowly towards them, they created footholds in the air. This in of itself was abnormal considering how much mana was needed to achieve this, the person who was approaching their location was something to not trifle with.


A single command sent all of them crashing down from the sky where they flew straight into the ground below. What manner of authority did this person have over them, she descended from the sky in a free fall one of them lifted his head up and opened his mouth up with a rising beam of light escaping from within.

"How useless"

This individual cuts through his breath attack and through him as well leaving behind nothing but chunks of meat neatly sliced in orderly fashion. They were the royal guards who stood before her and the Dragon Emperor. Immediately from mere guessing they knew who this person was, it was the daughter of the Dragon Emperor Mallevs, Shen.

"How many years has it been since I left? 350? 250? It shouldn't matter now. I have returned to reclaim what belongs to me, you are free to try to either stop me or aid me. It doesn't matter in the end neither would it bother me if I slaughtered all of you here."

She spoke like a tyrant who had already acquired the power she needed, that is what made Shen all the more terrifying to speak up against. She had real power, power that was not easy to gain nor procure through magical mine means. The aura she held was by far more impressive than her father's at this point. Mallevs would be proud of her if he were to see the level of authority she held against them. But they were dragons their pride was as high as the sky was, it was obvious what they were going to do. Even the candidates who had flown around in the air had already escaped to the mountain palace Mallevs called home.


They all attacked her attacked her at the same time, they were unrelenting in their assault and were rather swift given their massive bodies. The following moments were the last they were going to experience as they were just as fast as their brother's death. Shen leapt up into the air just as their claws and tails struck in the same place that she was standing on a few moments ago, she landed on the horns of one of the royal guards stabbing his head causing his body to freeze over within seconds. She kicked off one of his horns which flew like a bullet towards the head of another royal guard dragon passing through his skull and him falling to the ground with a loud boom with a small quake happening within that singular event. The horn bullet splintered into a thousand more which blinded the pair who shielded themselves with their wings from them.

In their defense they never anticipated that a breath attack could hit them in the form of a slash, neither did they expect it to utterly destroy their bodies in a way they didn't even register their own deaths. Shen nodded in her handicraft, the past her would have struggled against these losers. She knew she had surpassed them in strength a long time ago but she wanted to test herself in terms of strength, sharing Yukiyo's Gluttony skill she devoured their bodies using a shadow jaw which further increased her stats and levels to a sufficient amount. The seed that she was given now started to throb with anticipation. The rain started to set in as if to wash away the shame that she felt when she was banished from this land, once she ate this there was no going back.

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