"I'll show you who's shooting blanks when I beat your fucking ass!" Caleb said getting angry.

"Aren't you the one who had to visit the hospital after our last encounter. We wouldn't want a repeat of that now would we Caleb? Don't test me," Stewart threatened.

"Enough you two! You both can stay for the appointment! I need to ask the doctor about how to have a DNA test done right now anyway! But moving forward I will invite whom I would like to my appointments! So Stewart I'm having the nurse delete your contact information from my file," I said sternly.

I walked up to the front desk to check myself in and update my info so Stewart wouldn't have access to my appointment schedule anymore.

After I got checked in I had to wait about five minutes before I was called back to the patient room.

When I got back to the patient room the nurse asked me a few questions then the doctor came in shortly after.

The doctor got me all ready for the ultrasound and I lay down. Caleb was standing off in the corner as Stewart stood right beside me.

I wanted Caleb to be beside me but I understood him needing his distance especially with Stewart here.

The doctor moved the ultrasound tool around my stomach and a few moments later the room was full of the sound of a heartbeat.

"Well there ya go. You're little one has a strong heartbeat," the doctor said.

This felt so surreal.

Hearing a heartbeat of a little life I was growing inside me made me emotional.

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

I felt a tear run down my cheek and Stewart wiped my tear away.

"Our baby is real," he said as he reached for my hand.

"You are about fourteen weeks along I'd say," the doctor said.

Stewart brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my hand softly.

"I've never seen something so perfect," he said as he watched the screen.

You couldn't see anything really since the baby is still so tiny at this stage.

As Stewart doted all over me I checked on Caleb over in the corner.

"You can come closer Caleb," I said.

Caleb was hesitant but took a few steps near where I was.

He looked at the screen and I watched as he seemed to get emotional about all this like I had.

"So there's really a baby inside you... a living human that we might have created together," he said more to himself than me.

The thought of this being Caleb's baby made me feel butterflies.

"Doctor when can she get a DNA test done..." Stewart asked seeming to have ruined the moment.

The second he said that Caleb stopped looking at the screen and shoved his hands in his pockets and backed away.

"We can do a blood test to determine paternity. It's the safest way to do it at this stage of her pregnancy," the doctor said.

"I need some air," Caleb said as he just walked out of the office.

The doctor was done with me so she handed me a cloth to wipe the gel off my stomach and I sat up.

"I'll make an appointment for the lab work for the DNA test," I said.

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