"I've never asked but what do you do for a living?" Olivia asked.

"I invest in start up companies mainly," I said.

"Oh so you're like an entrepreneur?" she asked.

"Yeah something like that. What about you?" I asked.

"I work as a temp. I'm a teacher's aid. I've always loved being around children and wanted to get my teaching degree... I might go back to school," Olivia said.

"I can see that... you seem like a kind hearted person. I'm sure the kids love you," I said.

"I think I love them more," she smiled.

"So what grade or ages do you work with?" I asked.

"I work with Pre-K to Kindergarten," she said.

"That's nice..." I said.

"So you have any juniors running around or want any?" Olivia asked.

That was a loaded questioned. Had she asked me this a year ago my answer would have been hell no and I don't want any kids ever.

But since falling in love with Zoey and now having had my heart broken by her. All to find out she might be pregnant with my child fucked my whole thought process up about having children.

As much as I couldn't see myself forgiving her and moving past her betrayal having a child with her seemed like a nice reminder of showing that I could actually love someone and create life from that love... if that makes any sense.

I never understood the difference between creating a child out of love and just getting someone pregnant. But now being in this situation I understood clearly the difference.

I stopped using protection with Zoey not only because I knew she was on birth control and felt like we'd be ok. But because I had fallen in love with her and trusted her. I wanted to show that trust for her in our times of intimacy. I wanted her to know my love for her had no boundaries and I was completely giving myself to her with no hesitation.

"I've never wanted children but I might be becoming a father," I said honestly.

"Does that mean your girlfriend is pregnant?" Olivia asked holding back a smile.

I could see she wanted to congratulate me but there was nothing to celebrate. I still didn't know if Zoey was carrying my child or Stewart's.

As much as I was done with Zoey the thought of her having Stewart's child growing inside her instead of mine felt like a knife straight to the heart.

"She might be... we're not sure yet," I said making the answer a lot more simpler than it was.

It sure beat having to explain that my girlfriend was pregnant, but had been cheating on me our whole relationship with a man I couldn't stand, and he might actually be the father of her unborn child instead of me.

"Well if you want the child I hope she's pregnant. I think you'd make a pretty good father. I can tell you might be afraid of the idea of becoming a parent but I think the second you hold that baby in your arms you'll be a goner," Olivia smiled.

It was nice that she had such high hopes for me.

I don't know how I'd be if I was a father. I just know I'd try my best not to be a huge let down to my kid.

I'd stay clean for my child.

I'd always be there for my child.

I'd provide for my child.

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