"Well what is your thing?" she asked as she ate another chip.

"Not this... Look I'm only here because it was recommended if I want to get clean," I said.

"Well do you want to get clean is the real question," she said.

"Yes I want to get clean. My girlfriend is really pushing it," I said.

"So you're doing this because someone else wants this for you. You don't want this for yourself?" she questioned.

"I didn't say that," I said slightly defensive.

"You didn't not say that either. A word of advice. If you want to get clean let it be because you want it not because someone else wants it for you. I've been in plenty enough treatment programs to know that if a person doesn't want the help they won't take it. So don't waste the peoples time that are here and ready to seriously do the work to better themselves," she said.

"Your names Olivia right? That was quite some story you told up there," I said.

"Story? That's my life jackass! Let me guess you're a rich boy here trying to save himself from losing his trust fund," she assumed.

"Well you think you got me figured out. First off I'm not a trust fund baby. Second I told you I'm here-"

"Oh right the girlfriend forced you. I remember," she finished for me.

"She didn't force me. No one forces me to do anything," I said.

"Well I kind of forced you to hand me this bag of chips," she giggled as she finished the last one.

I chuckled because she was kind of right.

"My name's Caleb," I said.

"Thanks but I didn't ask," she said.

"Well I guess I'll see you at the next meeting," I said.

"Maybe... maybe not. Depends on if you'll want this for yourself by then or if you'll still be doing this to please your supposed girlfriend," she said.

Olivia walked off and left me a bit speechless.

That girl was a real firecracker...

Zoey P.O.V.

I had spent the whole day sitting in my hotel room thinking about what happened between Stewart and I last night.

I knew sleeping with him was a mistake but I was pissed at Caleb and wanted to make myself feel better physically.

In the process I think I ruined any kind of friendship or working relationship Stewart and I had going.

Now things seemed awkward.

He said he wasn't mad at me but his actions spoke volumes.

I didn't want things to be awkward for us now and make our work relationship suffer.

Why out of all the men in this city did I pick my boss to fuck?

I would have been better off screwing a local whose name I couldn't pronounce.

At least then I'd feel less guilty.

I had packed up my things and called myself a cab.

I was going to go back to Atlanta. It was clear Stewart didn't need or want me on this trip anymore.

I rolled my suitcase out into the hallway and walked out of my suite.

I closed the door and headed down the hallway.

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