King Virgil

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You know what that means? Part 4 to the royal series ;) You thought it was over? HA! As if
Art up top is mine ;)

     Virgil grabbed his sword off the ground and sliced at the man. He closed his eyes and winced in pain as the man cut his shoulder.
     His vision went blurry and he started crying. "R-Roman.."
     Roman ran out just as Virgil fell to the ground. The man had stabbed the sword between his shoulder blades.
     "VIRGIL!" Roman cried. He fell to his knees beside the dead man. "No... no no no!" He looked up at who was fighting him.
     "He said that whoever dies, loses." The man gulped.
     "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" Roman screamed.

     "Roman-" Valerie began.
     "I don't care what you have to say!" He snapped. He looked at the queen's hurt expression. "My apologies."
     "It's quite alright.. I understand this must be hard for you..." Valerie took her husband's hand in hers.
     Logan bowed as he entered. "Excuse me for the interruption, but the man you said to be executed, has escaped."
     "Then find him and kill him!" Roman shouted.
     "What happened to 'I would never hurt a servant-" Valerie said.
     "I said I would never kill a servant for such false accusations." Roman gritted his teeth. "But I would gladly kill them for killing my lover!"
     "But they are unaware of your secret relationship. They do not know how important he was to you."
     Roman slammed his fist on the table. "It doesn't matter what they knew!" He looked away from the queen. "Just because they didn't know, doesn't mean it's gonna be easy for me to let him go! What am i supposed to do without him?!"
     Valerie looked down and brought her hands away from the table.
     Roman stood. "Excuse me." He said before walking off, not looking at her.

     Logan peered in through Roman's bedroom door. "Yoir Majesty?"
     Roman didn't move.
     "May I come in?"
     Logan sighed and walked in. "I'm sorry... your not the only one that misses him, Patton has been crying for a five hours straight."
     Roman finally looked up at Logan's red puffy eyes. "It hurts..." he looked back down at his hands and his vision went blurry from tears. "It's almost like... I felt myself get stabbed..."
     Logan walked over to him and sat next to him on the bed. "Hard, indeed.." he too began to cry again.
     "Never did I think I'd be crying over a servant's death.."
     Logan chuckled. "He seemed way more than a servant."
     Roman didn't seem very amused. He looked at his hands and fiddled with his thumbs. "Will I ever rule... correctly?"
     "Use my-"
     "Your majesty!" Logan shouted, eyes wide.
     Roman turned and glared at him. "That is no-"
     "Will you just shut up and look!" Logan grabbed him and turned him so he was looking. At the door.
     Someone was standing against the frame and knocked four times. "I lived bitch."

     Valerie sighed at the king clinging to the servant.
     "So, how?" Was all Logan could manage out. He was crying again, but of relief and joy.
     Virgil shrugged. "I know Roman can't rule if I'm gone. So do you think I'm actually going to say 'whoever dies, loses' to some random guard, and then proceed to let him win? Obviously not."
     "It wasn't so obvious." Valerie said.
     Roman still clung to Virgil and didn't say anything. He felt cold liquid on his shoulder and mid-back. He looked at his hands and noticed blood. "Oh, Virgil..." he pulled away.
     "Oh, it's nothing, I'm fine." He shrugged.
     "I'm still taking you to get checked." Roman stood and grabbed his wrist.
     Virgil began to protest. "Roman, I-"
     "Save it. Now let's go."
     Logan bowed to Valerie and then followed behind.

     "Hey Logan," Roman looked over his shoulder to the prime regent. "You will be punished for telling the king to shut up."
     "My apologies..." he gulped. "What may those punishments be?"
     "I'll let Patton decide." Roman smirked.
     Logan sighed in relief. He knew Patton couldn't do much.

     "Number 147!" Patton said. "Never! Disrespect the king!"
     Logan sat and almost started crying. Patton can do something..

     "Roman, I'm fine. All I need is just some bandages and then I can be on my way." Virgil sighed.
     Roman sat there, not looking at him. "...I thought I lost you..." he closed his eyes tight. "I thought I'd never get to see you again!" He got up and went to the bed to hug him. "Don't ever try leaving me again!"
     Virgil's eyes went wide but then he relaxed. Sure it hurt his muscles, but he'd be in pain for Roman anytime. "I won't... I promise..."
     "I-I love you..." tears began to escape his face, but that isn't what Virgil was paying attention to anymore.
     Virgil pushed him off. "Haha! I love you too, friendo!"
     Roman looked at him questionably. But his words only made more tears fall. "Virgil..."
     "Shut up." He muttered.
     "What? Why? You almost die and now I can't say I love you anymo-"
     "Oh my god, Princey, no-"
     The nurse gulped. She was shaking. "Uhm..."
     Roman whipped his head around. His eyes went wide from terror. "No... no no no! I-It's not what it looks like! Tell anyone and your dead, hear me? Dead!"
     Her eyes went wide. "G-Got it!" She rushed over to Virgil with the bandages. "Does Queen Valerie know?"
     "Of course she does. I would not do anything like this without her consent." Roman squeezed Virgil's hand.
     "I will keep my mouth shut." She finished up and bowed to the boys. "Have a lovely day."
     Roman sighed and looked at the floor. He kept hold of the servant boy's hand.
     "Roman I'm okay-"
     "What if everyone finds out?"
     Virgil moved so he was sitting with his legs hanging off the bed. "I highly doubt they would anytime soon."
     "There is still the future though." Tears began to form in his eyes.
     Virgil grabbed his face and lifted it towards him. He got up and shuffled closer, he bent down and gave him a quick kiss. "Haven't done that in awhile. Been so long that it still brings a blush to your face."
     Roman looked to the side. "I suppose I've been busy lately that I haven't even been able to kiss you. Proper or not." He closed his eyes. "But after seeing what I saw just hours ago, all I've wanted to do is just hold you and kiss you."
     Virgil leaned in. "I'm all yours." He gave him a longer kiss.
     Roman pulled away. "Let's go to my room." He picked him up and carried him to his room. He set him on the bed and climbed a top him.

     Logan cleared his throat. He was about to knock on the door but stopped himself. He blushed a deep crimson red after hesring what was going on. He swallowed and smiled before walking down the stairs and back to one of Lord Patton's rooms.
     "Back so soon?" Patton asked, smiling at the regent walking through the door.
     Logan smirked at the high chamberlain. "I think we should leave them alone awhile."
     Patton took that as 'they were having a romantic moment.' More or less.
     Logan walked up to his desk and put the palms of his hands down. He leaned in and gave him a sweet tender kiss.

     Virgil huffed and clung to Roman. He finally got back to his normal breathing.
     "That's a first." Roman said. "Ever in my life." He chuckled and kissed Virgil's head.
     "I remember walking upon my friends Deciet and Remy doing it, but I never imagined myself do it... with the king." He laughed and looked into Roman's blue eyes.
     "Doesn't that also make you king?"
     "Oh please, I just got Logan to stop calling me prince, I don't need to downgrade to king." He rolled his eyes.
     Roman gave him an offended look. "Downgrade?!"
     Virgil let out a breathy laugh. "Whatever Princey, I'm tired."
     "I'm worried."
     "You were kinda loud, I fear someone must have heard.."
     Virgil held him tighter. "It'll be alright, Princey.."
     Just then, the door slammed open. "Your Majesty, I think two of the servants we-" the guard stopped after seeing the two cuddled next to each other.
     Roman knew the word would spread and his people would no longer trust him.
     He knew this could be the end for him...

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