"I'm not talking to you about this," I said.

"Why? Because deep down you know if he were poor you wouldn't have given him the time of day," Malcolm said.

"You know what. Think what you want. I need to go pack a bag because my boyfriend is waiting for me to go to his place," I said smugly.

I started to walk off but before I was out of his sight Malcolm said one last thing that stuck with me.

"Zoey no matter what if you ever really need me you know I'm here! I'll even be here when he breaks your heart!" Malcolm called after me.

Malcolm and Cheyenne had nerve. They couldn't just be supportive of me. They had to make it known that this would all blow up in my face and they would be here once my heart got broken.

I got up to my apartment and headed straight to my bedroom.

I started packing my bag and Cheyenne walked into my room.

"Going to stay at Claeb's?" Cheyenne asked.

"Yeah but please don't report that to Malcolm," I said with an attitude.

"What's up your ass besides Caleb's dick," Cheyenne said.

"What is it with you! Why are you being such a bitch lately!" I said as I threw my clothes down on my bed.

"You have dropped your friends and everyone that loves you for a guy that is no good. I know he stayed over the other night and I know you didn't go a week without talking to him for no reason. So just tell me what he did and what you let slide," Cheyenne said.

"There is nothing to tell! We had a fight and made up! Couples fight it's no big deal!" I said defensively.

"Zoey back in high school you would tell me about every fight you and Malcolm had. Even if it was juvenile and stupid. Zoey we've always been like sisters. We've always confided in each other. Why won't you tell me anything about Caleb," Cheyenne said.

"Maybe I won't open up to you about Caleb because the last thing I told you about him you were super judgmental about it!" I said.

"Can you blame me? You told me you caught him doing drugs! That's nothing to play with," Cheyenne said.

"Whatever. I gotta go," I said as I zipped up my bag.

I grabbed my bag and left.

Caleb P.O.V.

I heard a rapid knocking at my front door.

I took a deep breath and walked out of my bedroom and headed to the front door.

I got to the door and unlocked it then opened it slowly.

"You will not believe my cousin! The girl is acting hella jealous of me! I mean she- did you just shower?" Zoey asked as she walked into my condo.

I had just showered. I had only a towel wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah. I showered. I just was ready to get comfortable for bed is all," I said.

"Well you could have waited for me so we could shower together," Zoey said as she came towards me.

She ran her hand over my cheek and leaned in for a kiss.

I kissed her briefly but quickly pulled back.

"I need to go get my pajamas on," I said.

"Why? You're just going to get out of them," Zoey said as she followed me back to my bedroom.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of pajama pants out of the drawer.

"What happened here? Where are the bed sheets?" Zoey asked.

"Oh I was just washing them. It's wash day," I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

I had my comforter pulled back because I was washing my bed sheets.

"Well I need you to help me relieve some stress," Zoey said as she came up behind me.

She placed kisses to my back and ran her hands up my chest after wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"Can you chill," I said as I turned around.

"I thought you wanted me to show you how much I liked my new ride," Zoey said flirtatiously.

I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and felt so guilty.

I don't deserve her.

I sure as hell can't touch her... at least not tonight.

"I was thinking we could cuddle and watch a movie. You know like couples do... no sex," I said.

"What's up? My man doesn't want me now?" Zoey questioned.

"No it's not that. I just don't want you thinking that's the only thing I want. I want us to connect outside of the sheets," I said honestly.

I do want Zoey and I to connect on a deeper level. I really do. I really care about her and want our relationship to last.

"Well that's sweet. First my man spoils me all day and now he wants to just cuddle and be cute. Ok. Let me change into my pajamas and we can go watch something on the couch," Zoey said.

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

Zoey walked off to go grab her bag. I grabbed my pajama pants and walked off to the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and looked at myself in the mirror.

I could barely look at myself as I put my pajama pants on. Zoey is such a good girl and deserves for me to do right by her.

Why did Courtney have to come over and try to ruin that?

She tempted me.

She had some coke and we did a couple lines together in my bedroom.

She then straddled my lap and we started kissing.

I pushed her away and told her I couldn't hook up with her.

She told me I owed her for the lines of coke I snorted.

I handed her a few hundred bucks and she said she didn't want that. She wanted me.

I fucked up.

I promised Zoey I wouldn't and the first second she wasn't around I fucked up.

I screwed Courtney and right after she left I felt nothing but regret. Usually I could be a selfish heartless prick but tonight I felt guilty.

But I wanted the drugs and I know Courtney refuses to take money from me. She only wants sex. It's always been that way between us.

After Courtney left I knew I couldn't have Zoey sleep in the same bed I just cheated on her in. So I put the sheets in the wash and took a shower.

I had to wash the guilt off me.

Zoey didn't seem to pick up on anything by me not wanting us to have sex tonight. I was just going to cuddle with her and watch a movie and put the whole night behind me.

I'd make it up to her though. I was going to take her on a trip.

Maybe a vacation away would do us both some good and bring us closer. 

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