It made me smile how affectionate he was being with me.

After our shower we dried off then I got dressed while he grabbed clothes from the drawer.

"Can I ask you something?' Caleb asked.

"Of course," I said.

"Who's Malcolm?" Caleb asked.

I tensed up wondering how he even knew about him.

"I saw that he texted you last night. It was pretty late when he texted. I mean you were asleep. I was just wondering who he was to you," Caleb explained.

"Is babe jealous?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"No! Why? Should I be jealous? It's my bed you slept in last night not his," Caleb said with a smirk.

"Ok mister cocky ," I laughed.

"Well who is he?" Caleb asked again.

"Just a friend from high school. He moved away for college but moved back recently. He's supposed to be getting a job here. Since he was back in town we were just hanging out and catching up. It's no big deal," I said.

"Ok," Caleb said.

"Can you take me home. I gotta change before I go to my hair appointment," I said.

"Sure," Caleb said.

I put on my heels and grabbed my bag.

Caleb grabbed his keys and cell phone and we headed out.

"So what are you getting done to your hair?" Caleb asked as we took the elevator down to the parking garage.

"Well I'm getting this out. I think I might go longer. What do you think?" I asked.

"I think longer would be sexier. Like all black down your back," Caleb said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup," Caleb said.

The elevator stopped and Caleb and I walked out into the parking garage.

We got in his car and he pulled out of the parking spot and headed to my place.

I reached for his hand and he slipped his hand in mine. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

It gave me butterflies.

"So you gonna get long tracks put in or what?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah but it'll cost more," I said.

"What my girl need money?" Caleb asked.

"I can't ask you for money Caleb," I said shyly.

"Well I want my girlfriend looking sexy not busted. If longer tracks cost more and that's what I want to see you in I'll pay for it," Caleb said.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Of course. Gotta keep my girl looking right," Caleb said.

"Thanks babe," I said as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Caleb got to my apartment and pulled up outside.

He pulled out his wallet and handed me a thousand dollars cash.

I was surprised he was just walking around with this much cash on him.

"You need more?" he asked.

"No this should be enough," I said.

"Well text me when you're done. I want you at my place tonight. So pack a bag and I'll pick you back up here later," Caleb said.

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