"Zoey don't let her get to you. She's a very insecure woman," Caleb said.

"I don't get that. Evan adores her. I mean that man loves her to death. But she doesn't trust it why? If she's so convinced that he's cheating or what not and always feels like she has to look over her shoulder with him why are they together. I couldn't do that. If a man is mine I will be confident in that and have peace of mind. If not then to hell with him," I said.

"So what about me? Am I yours?" Caleb asked.

"I bet you wish you were mine. Caleb I listen. I heard you loud and clear when you said you didn't want a relationship. Well I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket. I've got options," I said.

"Oh you do? So you're saying that you're seeing other guys?" Caleb asked.

For a second I felt like I either heard or saw slight jealousy.

"I'm sure you're seeing other girls," I said.

"Well I'm a guy. It's expected for me to be dating multiple women. Girls are more monogamous," Caleb said.

"That's what you men assume. Girls can multi date just like men. I just think there is a double standard when it comes to us women and multi dating. With men it's socially acceptable. For women we're slut shamed," I said.

"Wow you're a very advanced young woman. You aren't anything like the women I've been with in the past," Caleb said.

"Probably because you tend to go for bimbos," I laughed.

"I can't even argue with you about that because it's true," Caleb laughed.

Caleb and I had a good lunch having a real unfiltered conversation.

I like that we can just be real with each other and not put on. I like that he doesn't bullshit me and I don't bullshit him.

We're both honest about the fact that we're seeing where this can go while still dating other people.

Yeah I like Caleb and maybe when the time is right we can be exclusive. But I don't want us to rush into anything neither of us is ready for.

Caleb P.O.V.

After lunch with Zoey I took her back to her apartment. I had some things to do so I told her I'd text her later.

I had gone back to my condo and checked on a few bets I'd placed. A few I lost and a couple I won.

I love to gamble. It's such a rush.

As I was sitting on my couch checking some emails I got a call.

I picked up my cell phone seeing that it was my friend Asher.

"Hey man what's up?" I asked.

"I got what you wanted I'm in the parking garage," Asher said.

"Well come up," I said.

"I can't. I'm in a rush," Asher said.

"Alright I'll be down in a minute," I said.

I got up and grabbed my keys.

I left my condo and headed downstairs to the parking garage.

I took the elevator down to the parking garage.

When I stepped off the elevator I saw Asher leaning against my car.

"Get in," I said.

I unlocked my car and we got in.

"So there's a party in Vegas this weekend. You coming?" Asher asked.

"I might," I said.

"Well I'll put you on the guest list just incase," Asher said.

"Thanks. Do you got my stuff?" I asked.

Asher smirked and pulled out two grams of coke for me.

I reached for it and he held the tiny zipped bags back.

"Money first," Asher said.

I reached into the center console of my car and grabbed an envelope of money for him.

I handed him the cash and he gave me my drugs.

"It's always nice doing business with you," Asher said as he got out of my car.

Once he was gone I sprinkled a little coke onto my dashboard. I leaned down and snorted a line real quick.

The high I get from this stuff is like no other.

I don't just use when I party. I like to at least keep one gram on me at all times.

I left one of the packets Asher gave me in my glove compartment. I took the other back into my condo with me.

As I took the elevator back up to my condo I texted Zoey.

"Want to party with me in Vegas this weekend?"

I was all for spending my weekend in Vegas. I just knew it might be more fun if I brought Zoey along with me.

Maybe I'll even be able to get her to finally let me smash. 

All In (Interracial Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant