Chapter 89- The Archangel Joins the Fight

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The bar was quiet as Hiromichi and Alruin made their way inside. It wasn't so because they were in fear of the monsters outside as that there were only a few people in there. Most of them seemed to be at peace, even a few having a drink or two as if waiting out the monster's attack like some bad weather.

When they saw Hiromichi entering the bar though, there was a bit of an unsettlement in their hearts. They immediately noticed Thief and Sebastien being carried by the two of them, something they had not expected.

"What happened?" question one person sitting next to the entrance.

Their eyes seemed a panicked at the sight of this. They had been depending on Hiromichi and the others to keep them safe, with two of them down now, fear started rearing its ugly face.

"Tch, relax. There were some unexpected circumstances or something. Someone get something for her wound come on, move it!" barked Hiromichi.

There was a moment were they lacked a reaction. The bartender nodded his head and ran to the back room to look for anything that would help.

"Is there no one with a Healing skill that could help here?" Alruin spoke in the moment of fear.

Everyone's eyes turned to him now. His presence had been overshadowed by the current situation but seeing someone else of his stature here brought some relief. He looked like a proper warrior more than capable of handling himself and more importantly to them, keeping people safe.

"Heh, there possibly is." Hiromichi grinned as he nudged towards a corner of a bar.

Alruin looked towards the direction in which he was pointing at as his heart skipped a beat. Even knowing that she was unconsciously lying on the table with a most undignified position, she looked like no beauty before her. Alruin wanted nothing more than to make sure this woman was okay but controlled himself.

He gently placed Sebastien in a chair close to him and tried giving him a light shake.

"No good, he's out cold. I don't think he's gravely injured at all."

"Forget that guy. He was our eyes and got himself in that position because he can't stop yapping. Thief's a bit more important right now." replied Hiromichi placing Thief down as well.

Hiromichi felt her forehead only to have shivers sent down his spine. She was beginning to feel awfully cold, something that he was hoping would not be the case.

"Come seriously get a move on we need some potions or something don't you guys carry anything?!" he yelled out at the rest of the bar.

Everyone just shrunk and avoided his gaze. None of them were adventurer's, just simple citizens of the city of Alzel who had come to have a good time when disaster struck. The fact that they carried nothing on them for such an occasion was no surprise.

Hiromichi sighed and walked up to the unconscious Sayu giving her a few hard shakes. A minute passed and there was no reaction from her whatsoever.

"Come on you, wake up and help! Why are you being so dam useless!?"

Sayu remained asleep unaffected by his shaking and yelling. It looked more like she was in a deep trance-like sleep at this point than anything.

"If Kami we-"

Sayu's reaction was instant as her eyes flickered open. She sat up and looked around in a dazed manner before turning her attention to Hiromichi.

"Y- I heard Kami's... what's going on...?" she asked.

She yawned, her sleep returning back to her now that she saw Kami was nowhere in sight. Sayu was contemplating going back to sleep but she immediately realized there was something wrong about this situation.

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