Chapter 31- Setting Roles

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[Status Bar]



EXP: 0/50

Title: Kami's Assistant

Class: Archangel

HP: 250/250

Stamina: 250/250

Mana: 250/250

Strength: 250

Endurance: 250

Intelligence: 250

Dexterity: 250

Charisma: 250

Wisdom: 250

"You know what, your stats are actually not far of my own when I came to this world. Guessing this universe tries to balance out higher classes. Although I thought for sure Class was only unlocked at Level 5, confused but it's irrelevant. Does that mean you stats compared to mine because you have a Class unlocked already?" Kami spoke as he carried Hiromichi once again like a sack of potatoes.

Sayu walked next to Kami silently carrying Thief.

She wasn't exactly thrilled to be here and she especially was not excited about having all her powers stripped from her. Maybe in this world her 'stats' were something impressive but compared to the power she had before this, it was almost an insult.

"Y-you know, the other angels know where you are now. They'll flood in if they don't see us go home soon."

Kami smiled at Sayu and boasted.

"I highly doubt that. I placed a wall in this universe now that you came in. No one else from the outside will be making their way here. Even if they somehow do, any of the angels who make it through will find themselves at Level 1. This was probably something I should have done from the beginning but I was so excited it must have slipped my mind."

Sayu sighed. She felt powerless in this situation. She had seen Kami play games for millennia s and now she was one of his characters in this real-life game. If she was going to take a part in this world of his, she might as well do it right.

"I-I suppose maybe a break wouldn't hurt then, but you promise as soon as we're done we can go back and I'll get all my powers back?" asked Sayu looking back at him

"Even better, I'll make you the strongest Archangel out there. You always stick by me so, you know, might as well give you a big promotion when we're done." said Kami smiling at her.

Sayu's languishment lighten a bit at the thought of this. She felt defeated but at the same time, determined to get this done as quickly as possible.

"T-thank you benev-"

"Okay we have to set up some rules here, Number 1; No worshiping while around others or in fact, no worshiping at all, please I beg of you. Number 2; Nobody knows I'm you know, the 'Almighty Creator' so please keep the urge to call me anything besides Kami to a minimum. I reserve the right to add more rules by the way but that's the two important once as of now."

Sayu tilted her head in confusion and panicked.

"I- I can't possibly do that it's a sin to even consider-"

Kami rolled his eyes as he lost himself in his thoughts again.

How easy would it be for me to just mess with someone's free will and prevent them from doing something? Could just reach in there and force her to stop calling me stuff... Yeah that sounds really nice. No, come on Kami I'm better than this. Maybe I should at least tell her I fixed up Creation a bit before closing this Universe down. Nah, it's kind of funny watching her not be my personal boot licker all the time. I enjoy this much more aggressive Sayu.

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