Chapter 52- Sayu vs The Centaur III

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Kami stared at Sayu and the Centaur going at it back it forth as he sat on the air. He had activated [Stealth], the skill Thief uses more than often to make herself invisible and [Fly]  to keep his distance. His original plan had been to show up and kill  this boss before anyone got here but there had been a change of plans.

By the time he noticed the group had engaged on the fight and made his way over he found out everyone had been killed by that Centaur. He wasn't very happy about that and by the looks of it Sayu was taking it to heart as well. Once he saw her taking on the Centaur he decided it was best if he stayed out of it.

Ah well I'll intervene if it looks like she'll lose.

He had given her a helping hand by making a small effort to bring Asahi back to life. More or less it was a skill he named [Lower Rekindle].  It would bring someone back to life on the verge of their death once more. You would be able to heal them from there if you could, and  completely save them. As he knew his [Resurrect] skill was awfully pricey for some reason; 1000 MP per cast to be exact. This was much more resource efficient and he could cast it many more times over. He would just use a combination of [Lower Rekindle] and his [Transcendent Convalesce] to bring everyone back to life and heal them to full. However, the effect of [Lower Rekindle]  worked if it was someone who had died within 10 minutes as he found out  after reading up on it, so he hoped this fight would work itself out  soon otherwise he would be forced to cut it short himself

I could just reactivate my Omnipotent  Passive and just resurrect everyone but just a few days back I had done  that just to beat a potential final enemy. There's no fun in doing this  if I'm constantly going to break my own rules. Best I work with what I  have. Wonder if there's a reason why so many of my skills cost so much. From the looks of it Sayu is casting some pretty nasty skills as well and its costing her way less.

Even  if he said this he would more than likely reactivate his passive if he  needed to. There's no way he would leave so many people dead simply because he did not wish to, as he called it, 'cheat'.

Kami smiled as he placed his chin on his hand and continued to watch the fight. From the looks of it, Sayu had this one very easily once she decided to loosen up a bit.

Sayu dodged the axe attack as she slid on the ground. She found herself underneath the Centaurs legs while he looked down for her. Sayu lifted her arm towards his gut and yelled out.

"Piercing Light!"

A spear shaped light shot from her hand as it sunk itself onto its stomach. The Centaur grunted in pain as he stumbled back.

Sayu couldn't afford to cast her better skills due to the constant drain of her [Divine State]  so she would have to minimize the amount that she uses. While the  Centaur was stunned by the attack she swung her sword at one of his front legs.

The sword caused a gash that sprung forth blood from it as the Centaur yelled out in pain once more falling over to the ground.

She wasn't done yet, Sayu was well aware that the Centaur would still not die thanks to his passive but she would turn him into an immovable piece of flesh so when it did run out she would easily be able to strike him down.

Sayu  stood up in a fast motion realigning her sword once more on his left  front leg and slashing down on it with all her force as she yelled with all her might. The force of her blow cut clean through the Centaurs' leg as it let out a wail.

"Not yet!"

She made a reverse motion as she swung her sword back up on its other leg cutting that one off as well.

The Centaur let out another howl that shook the cave around them.

Sayu clenched her free hand into a fist as she raised her hand at the Centaur.

"Shut up!"

She threw her fist against the chest of the Centaur as the impact from her punch launched it back towards the wall. 

The Centaur crashed against it, falling limbless against the ground. There was no more noise coming from him anymore, thoroughly convinced that Sayu would stop now that she saw him  quiet down.

Sayu wasn't going to be convinced with that, this was far from over in her book. She lifted her fingers and snapped them.

"Rain down, Holy Light!"

It was almost like a luminescent drizzle that feel down on the centaur that continuously hit him as the Centaur squirmed in pain unable to move now that his front legs had been severed off.


Sayu  ran up to the Centaur punching it once more in the gut having it  collide against the wall again. The light continued to rain down on the Centaur without any signs of stopping.

"I said SHUT.UP! You filthy creature!!"

The Centaur let out a whimper sliding  down once more onto the ground taking the uncomfortable pain of the  light that was hitting him. It burned his skin and he could tell that as soon as his passive ran out even the slightest damage he took from this attack would instantly kill him.

Sayu took in a deep breath regaining her composure. She hated the big talk this creature did  and suddenly as soon as he was on the floor being kicked around like a piece of trash he wanted to speak in more equal terms. In her eyes it had always been a small being the only difference now and then was its  ego.

She  heard a noise behind her as she turned around expecting another enemy.  Instead she looked in surprise as she saw everyone who had just been  killed right in front of her slowly opening their eyes. Some of them were sitting dazed, badly injured but alive. Others were trying to walk around in confusion despite what was happening in front of them.

Sayu  looked around for any signs of Kami, the only one who would be capable  of doing such a thing. She looked back at the people realizing they were  still hurt and injured. The Centaur wouldn't be going anywhere soon so she made her way over to them as fast as she could.

She was incredibly relieved that everyone was doing just fine as she went around trying to heal everyone. At this point she decided to toggle her  [Divine State] off so she could use her remaining Mana on healing as many of the fallen humans around her.

It took some time but soon enough everyone was feeling fine as they looked around the dungeon.

"W-we're alive?"

"Last I remember...the monster came crashing down on us and then, all black."

"Ugh, my heads still feeling bad. I should sit down."

They  talked among themselves slowly noticing the light that was falling down on the now incapacitated Centaur. Many of them starting nudging for others to see what was happening as they stared with their jaws wide open.

Sayu made her way towards the Centaur for once feeling tired but at the same time, accomplished.

The Centaur looked back at her and spoke lightly.

"Well done all my existence  I had never dealt with one as powerful as you that was a  mortal...perhaps my masters have something to fear after all...good luck  warrior..."

These were the last words it spoke as the damage finally went through and finished him off.

Sayu saw a notification appear in front of her saying, [EXP+84000].

She felt her power increase once more as she turned around and noticed everyone staring at her in silence.

At  this point the people only had one conclusion about this warrior. She  was beyond just a normal Hero, perhaps even a Hero was too small of a  title for her. Some of them realized the had been killed and now they were alive again. They realized only a God would be capable of such an act as they stared at her.Many saw her splendor when she had activated her [Divine State]  and came to the conclusion that she was a Goddess who had decided to mix in with them in order protect them from harm. There could  be nothing else to describe who and what she looked like.

The crowd gathered around falling to their knees as they began to exclaim Sayu's name.

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