Chapter 13- And Now, the Curse

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A/N: This one is by far the one chapter I feel the most disconnected from that I've written but at the same time I didn't really think of a better way to do it since I felt it was a puzzle piece that just had to go in there. It does do a bit more explaining about some of the worlds mechanics but I don't know.I could have just made it so everything is hunky dory once they killed the Gearfried but that felt like an EASIER way out than just having Kami snap his fingers and fix the day again. Enjoy what is essentially Idle Chatter Part 2 but less to my liking. Also not sure if this is fine to do every so often but I'll do it in a few chapters where I think I got some stuff to say.

It was bright in the morning as the adventures reached the edge of the woods and found the road once more. They sighed in relief but there was still something to take care of.

"What about the curse then? That giant monster landing on the gateway seems to have broken whatever magic connection was holding us in there but we still have this curse on us. Maybe had 'The Almighty Kami' decided to make sure that the gateway wouldn't be crushed we could have investigated further." Keishi looked at his stats as he spoke.

"Do not be so disrespectful Keishi, had he not been there to stop that monster we would not even be able to escape the woods as we can now" replied Asahi.

"Tsk, alright mighty hero! You wouldn't happen to have a solution to this, now would you?!" Hiromichi questioned Kami with a demanding voice.

Kami thought about it for a second while everyone stared at him.

Sure, he could just break the curse but wouldn't it be even weirder at this point to them if he could have just done that from the beginning?

He was also a bit disappointed that the Gearfried had landed on the gateway and destroyed it since the solution to their problem could be right on the other side.

Either way he had to find a way to this problem without making himself suspicious.

Kami looked at Marie as she gave him a gentle smile and suddenly had an idea.

"Marie, you can break curses correct?"

"Y-yes to a degree though! Nothing this advanced, t-this is too much even for me"

"Would me Stat Sharing with you increase the power of your curse breaking skill?" asked Kami

Everyone stood quiet for a small amount of time before Keishi yelled out looking pretty flustered.

"R-ridiculous! You think she would become your permanent companion under your rule?! Back off mate!"

"I would not keep her under my rule for long, just enough for her to break this curse." Kami replied with a calm tone.

"Don't trust this guy Marie, Asahi! Everything is too suspicious here, why would a random hero of legends show up in the woods and help us?! How do we not know he's the one who casted this curse and wants to remove Marie from our group to do with as he wishes!"

Asahi looked at Keishi for a second before turning his attention to Marie.

"Marie is old enough to make her decision. I trust her judgement as I trust Young Kami here."

"I- what? Look guys I'm just going to give her enough strength to break the curse and then I'll break the bond." Kami said looking at everyone as if they were being unreasonable.

Why is everyone making a big deal of it? I'm just going to stat share with her for a bit and release her from my bind... thing. Something tells me this is a bigger deal than I know.

God's an Adventurer: Volume INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ