Chapter 64- Idle Talk

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"That's about everything I know lad!"

Gorgraen slammed his glass against the table letting out a howling laugh.

Kami and Gorgraen sat at the usual local bar they had gone to twice now. It was not because Kami had suggested it but because Gorgraen had begun feeling inebriated and with that, wished to take the conversation on the go to a bar. He had simply smiled and accepted, after all, this blacksmith was teaching him everything he could possibly know from using Gear.

The conversation had dragged on for hours with every little detail the blacksmith could detail out. The average person might have thought that this was boring and that knowing every little detail possible was a drag, but Kami found it to be fascinating.

He found himself lost in this man's words despite his growing drunk state and before he knew it the sun was setting down once more.

Kami pulled out a gold coin from thin air and placed it on the table making sure the bartender noticed that he was paying more than fairly for the alcohol.

"I'm grateful for everything you've told me. A lot of this information is new to me and I had no idea Gear could be so important in comparison to Stats in this world. It looks like I picked a good day to wander into a shop today."

"I like your spunk lad! I was a lot like you when I was about your age. The art of craft called to me at an early age. Perhaps you would be interested in being my apprentice once you're done being an adventurer."

Kami ponder at the idea and smiled again. In truth, he didn't know what he would do once he finished doing whatever he set out to do here. It seemed like going back to Heaven would be next thing to do but then again, there's no rush. Once he finished being a Hero maybe delving into other aspects of life in this world would scratch his interest next.

"I'll have to think about it but the idea is appealing. There's just one thing I wanted to know for a bit now, it's not really related to the whole Gear conversation though." replied Kami as courteous as he could.

For the first time he felt like a junior speaking to his superior at work. This whole interaction with the blacksmith had made him think more highly of him and he felt the need to show some level of respect for what and who he is.

"Shot! I'm an open book after a couple of drinks! Hwahaha!"

In truth the Dwarf male was starting to look a bit dizzy and flush red from all the drinks. A couple more and Kami was sure he would pass out right where he sat.

"Why is a Dwarf in a human kingdom? No offense I'm not trying to say you don't belong here or something it's just, I had not seen any other races here since I've arrived in this city."

The dwarf sat there quietly for a few before taking a drink from his glass once more.

"It's not that hard really, in truth, I've moved here in search of selling my craftsmanship to the human kingdom. My homeland is not very craftsmanship friendly as they once used to be."

Kami tilted his head and pulled out as much information as he could from this.

In many titles across different RPG's or MMO's Dwarfs were a race of people who were excellent at blacksmithing. It was probably a trait that was mostly seen done by them. Kami had pulled this race from the ideas of such games and created them across many different universes.

When he had seen one here, he was not initially surprised by the idea of one but it came to his mind that there were no other dwarfs in this entire kingdom. However, a dwarf race that was not particularly fond of blacksmithing was something he never really imagined doing.

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